
This subpackage implements G-spaces as a user interface for defining spaces and their symmetries. The user typically instantiates a subclass of GSpace to specify the symmetries considered and uses it to instanciate equivariant neural network modules (see e2cnn.nn).

This subpackage depends on e2cnn.group and e2cnn.kernels.

Abstract Group Space

class GSpace(fibergroup, dimensionality, name)[source]

Abstract class for G-spaces.

A GSpace describes the space where a signal lives (e.g. \(\R^2\) for planar images) and its symmetries (e.g. rotations or reflections). As an Euclidean base space is assumed, a G-space is fully specified by the dimensionality of the space and a choice of origin-preserving symmetry group (fibergroup).


Mathematically, this class describes a Principal Bundle \(\pi : (\R^D, +) \rtimes G \to \mathbb{R}^D, tg \mapsto tG\), with the Euclidean space \(\mathbb{R}^D\) (where \(D\) is the dimensionality) as base space and \(G\) as fiber group (fibergroup). For more details on this interpretation we refer to A General Theory of Equivariant CNNs On Homogeneous Spaces.

  • fibergroup (Group) – the fiber group

  • dimensionality (int) – the dimensionality of the Euclidean space on which a signal is defined

  • name (str) – an identification name

  • ~.fibergroup (Group) – the fiber group

  • ~.dimensionality (int) – the dimensionality of the Euclidean space on which a signal is defined

  • ~.name (str) – an identification name

  • ~.basespace (str) – the name of the space whose symmetries are modeled. It is an Euclidean space \(\R^D\).

abstract restrict(id)[source]

Build the GSpace associated with the subgroup of the current fiber group identified by the input id. This reduces the level of symmetries of the base space to be considered.

Check the restrict method’s documentation in the non-abstract subclass used for a description of the parameter id.


id – id of the subgroup


a tuple containing

  • gspace: the restricted gspace

  • back_map: a function mapping an element of the subgroup to itself in the fiber group of the original space

  • subgroup_map: a function mapping an element of the fiber group of the original space to itself in the subgroup (returns None if the element is not in the subgroup)

featurefield_action(input, repr, element)[source]

This method implements the action of the symmetry group on a feature field defined over the basespace of this G-space. It includes both an action over the basespace (e.g. a rotation of the points on the plane) and a transformation of the channels by left-multiplying them with a representation of the fiber group.

The method takes as input a tensor (input), a representation (repr) and an element of the fiber group. The tensor input is the feature field to be transformed and needs to be compatible with this G-space and the representation (i.e. its number of channels equals the size of that representation). element needs to belong to the fiber group: check e2cnn.group.Group.is_element(). This method returns a transformed tensor through the action of element.

More precisely, given an input tensor, interpreted as an \(c\)-dimensional signal \(f: \R^D \to \mathbb{R}^c\) defined over the base space \(\R^D\), a representation \(\rho: G \to \mathbb{R}^{c \times c}\) of \(G\) and an element \(g \in G\) of the fiber group, the method returns the transformed signal \(f'\) defined as:

\[f'(x) := \rho(g) f(g^{-1} x)\]


Mathematically, this method transforms the input with the induced representation from the input repr (\(\rho\)) of the symmetry group (\(G\)) to the total space (\(P\)), i.e. with \(Ind_{G}^{P} \rho\). For more details on this, see General E(2)-Equivariant Steerable CNNs or A General Theory of Equivariant CNNs On Homogeneous Spaces.

  • input (ndarray) – input tensor

  • repr (Representation) – representation of the fiber group

  • element – element of the fiber group


the transformed tensor

abstract build_kernel_basis(in_repr, out_repr, **kwargs)[source]

Builds a basis for the space of the equivariant kernels with respect to the symmetries described by this GSpace.

A kernel \(\kappa\) equivariant to a group \(G\) needs to satisfy the following equivariance constraint:

\[\kappa(gx) = \rho_\text{out}(g) \kappa(x) \rho_\text{in}(g)^{-1} \qquad \forall g \in G, x \in \R^D\]

where \(\rho_\text{in}\) is in_repr while \(\rho_\text{out}\) is out_repr.

This method relies on the functionalities implemented in e2cnn.kernels and returns an instance of KernelBasis.

  • in_repr (Representation) – the representation associated with the input field

  • out_repr (Representation) – the representation associated with the output field

  • **kwargs – additional keyword arguments for the equivariance contraint solver


a basis for space of equivariant convolutional kernels

property irreps

Dictionary containing all the already built irreducible representations of the fiber group of this space.

See also

See e2cnn.group.Group.irreps for more details

property representations

Dictionary containing all the already built representations of the fiber group of this space.

See also

See e2cnn.group.Group.representations for more details

property trivial_repr: e2cnn.group.representation.Representation

The trivial representation of the fiber group of this space.


Builds the irreducible representation (IrreducibleRepresentation) of the fiber group identified by the input arguments.

See also

This method is a wrapper for e2cnn.group.Group.irrep(). See its documentation for more details. Check the documentation of irrep() of the specific fiber group used for more information on the valid id.


*id – parameters identifying the irrep.

property regular_repr: e2cnn.group.representation.Representation

The regular representation of the fiber group of this space.


Builds the quotient representation of the fiber group of this space with respect to the subgroup identified by subgroup_id.

Check the restrict() method’s documentation in the non-abstract subclass used for a description of the parameter subgroup_id.

See also

See e2cnn.group.Group.quotient_representation for more details on the representation.


subgroup_id – identifier of the subgroup

induced_repr(subgroup_id, repr)[source]

Builds the induced representation of the fiber group of this space from the representation repr of the subgroup identified by subgroup_id.

Check the restrict() method’s documentation in the non-abstract subclass used for a description of the parameter subgroup_id.

See also

See e2cnn.group.Group.induced_representation for more details on the representation.

  • subgroup_id – identifier of the subgroup

  • repr (Representation) – the representation of the subgroup to induce

property testing_elements

Group Actions on the Plane

class GeneralOnR2(fibergroup, name)[source]

Bases: e2cnn.gspaces.gspace.GSpace

Abstract class for the G-spaces which define the symmetries of the plane \(\R^2\).

  • fibergroup (Group) – group of origin-preserving symmetries (fiber group)

  • name (str) – identification name

build_kernel_basis(in_repr, out_repr, sigma, rings, **kwargs)[source]

Builds a basis for the space of the equivariant kernels with respect to the symmetries described by this GSpace.

A kernel \(\kappa\) equivariant to a group \(G\) needs to satisfy the following equivariance constraint:

\[\kappa(gx) = \rho_\text{out}(g) \kappa(x) \rho_\text{in}(g)^{-1} \qquad \forall g \in G, x \in \R^2\]

where \(\rho_\text{in}\) is in_repr while \(\rho_\text{out}\) is out_repr.

Because the equivariance constraints only restrict the angular part of the kernels, any radial profile is permitted. The basis for the radial profile used here contains rings with different radii (rings) associated with (possibly different) widths (sigma). A ring is implemented as a Gaussian function over the radial component, centered at one radius (see also GaussianRadialProfile).

  • in_repr (Representation) – the input representation

  • out_repr (Representation) – the output representation

  • sigma (list or float) – parameters controlling the width of each ring of the radial profile. If only one scalar is passed, it is used for all rings

  • rings (list) – radii of the rings defining the radial profile

  • **kwargs – Group-specific keywords arguments for _basis_generator method


the analytical basis

build_diffop_basis(in_repr, out_repr, max_power, discretization, **kwargs)[source]

Builds a basis for the space of the equivariant PDOs with respect to the symmetries described by this GSpace.

A \(G\)-equivariant PDO \(D(P)\) for a matrix of polynomials \(P\), mapping between an input field, transforming under \(\rho_\text{in}\) (in_repr), and an output field, transforming under \(\rho_\text{out}\) (out_repr), satisfies the following constraint:

\[P(gx) = \rho_\text{out}(g) P(x) \rho_\text{in}(g)^{-1} \qquad \forall g \in G, \forall x \in X\]

for \(G \leq O(d)\).

A complete basis is obtained by combining certain PDOs with powers of the Laplacian operator. max_power describes the maximum power of the Laplacian to use when building the basis.

  • in_repr (Representation) – the input representation

  • out_repr (Representation) – the output representation

  • max_power (int) – the largest power of the Laplacian that will be used

  • discretization (DiscretizationArgs) – the parameters specifying a discretization procedure for PDOs

  • **kwargs – Group-specific keywords arguments for _basis_generator method


the analytical basis

Reflections and Rotations

class FlipRot2dOnR2(N=None, maximum_frequency=None, axis=1.5707963267948966, fibergroup=None)[source]

Bases: e2cnn.gspaces.r2.general_r2.GeneralOnR2

Describes reflectional and rotational symmetries of the plane \(\R^2\).

Reflections are applied with respect to the line through the origin with an angle axis degrees with respect to the X-axis.

If N > 1, the class models reflections and discrete rotations by angles multiple of \(\frac{2\pi}{N}\) (DihedralGroup). Otherwise, if N=-1, the class models reflections and continuous planar rotations (O2). In that case the parameter maximum_frequency is required to specify the maximum frequency of the irreps of O2 (see its documentation for more details)


All axes obtained from the axis defined by axis with a rotation in the symmetry group are equivalent. For instance, if N = 4, an axis \(\beta\) is equivalent to the axis \(\beta + \pi/2\). It follows that for N = -1, i.e. in case the symmetry group contains all continuous rotations, any reflection axis is theoretically equivalent. In practice, though, a basis for equivariant convolutional filter sampled on a grid is affected by the specific choice of the axis. In general, choosing an axis aligned with the grid (an horizontal or a vertical axis, i.e. \(0\) or \(\pi/2\)) is suggested.

  • N (int) – number of discrete rotations (integer greater than 1) or -1 for continuous rotations

  • maximum_frequency (int) – maximum frequency of O2 ‘s irreps if N = -1

  • axis (float, optional) – the slope of the axis of the flip (in radians)

  • fibergroup (Group, optional) – use an already existing instance of the symmetry group. In that case only the parameter axis should be used.


~.axis (float) – Angle with respect to the horizontal axis which defines the reflection axis.


Build the GSpace associated with the subgroup of the current fiber group identified by the input id, which is a tuple \((k, M)\).

Here, \(M\) is a positive integer indicating the number of discrete rotations in the subgroup while \(k\) is either None (no reflections) or an angle indicating the axis of reflection. If the current fiber group is \(D_N\) (DihedralGroup), then \(M\) needs to divide \(N\) and \(k\) needs to be an integer in \(\{0, \dots, \frac{N}{M}-1\}\). Otherwise, \(M\) can be any positive integer while \(k\) needs to be a real number in \([0, \frac{2\pi}{M}]\).

Valid combinations are:

  • (None, \(1\)): restrict to no reflection and rotation symmetries

  • (None, \(M\)): restrict to only the \(M\) rotations generated by \(r_{2\pi/M}\).

  • (\(0\), \(1\)): restrict to only reflections \(\langle f \rangle\) around the same axis as in the current group

  • (\(0\), \(M\)): restrict to reflections and \(M\) rotations generated by \(r_{2\pi/M}\) and \(f\)

If the current fiber group is \(D_N\) (an instance of DihedralGroup):

  • (\(k\), \(M\)): restrict to reflections \(\langle r_{k\frac{2\pi}{N}} f \rangle\) around the axis of the current G-space rotated by \(k\frac{\pi}{N}\) and \(M\) rotations generated by \(r_{2\pi/M}\)

If the current fiber group is \(O(2)\) (an instance of O2):

  • (\(\theta\), \(M\)): restrict to reflections \(\langle r_{\theta} f \rangle\) around the axis of the current G-space rotated by \(\frac{\theta}{2}\) and \(M\) rotations generated by \(r_{2\pi/M}\)

  • (None, \(-1\)): restrict to all (continuous) rotations


id (tuple) – the id of the subgroup


a tuple containing

  • gspace: the restricted gspace

  • back_map: a function mapping an element of the subgroup to itself in the fiber group of the original space

  • subgroup_map: a function mapping an element of the fiber group of the original space to itself in the subgroup (returns None if the element is not in the subgroup)


class Rot2dOnR2(N=None, maximum_frequency=None, fibergroup=None)[source]

Bases: e2cnn.gspaces.r2.general_r2.GeneralOnR2

Describes rotation symmetries of the plane \(\R^2\).

If N > 1, the class models discrete rotations by angles which are multiple of \(\frac{2\pi}{N}\) (CyclicGroup). Otherwise, if N=-1, the class models continuous planar rotations (SO2). In that case the parameter maximum_frequency is required to specify the maximum frequency of the irreps of SO2 (see its documentation for more details)

  • N (int) – number of discrete rotations (integer greater than 1) or -1 for continuous rotations

  • maximum_frequency (int) – maximum frequency of SO2’s irreps if N = -1

  • fibergroup (Group, optional) – use an already existing instance of the symmetry group. In that case, the other parameters should not be provided.


Build the GSpace associated with the subgroup of the current fiber group identified by the input id.

id is a positive integer \(M\) indicating the number of rotations in the subgroup. If the current fiber group is \(C_N\) (CyclicGroup), then \(M\) needs to divide \(N\). Otherwise, \(M\) can be any positive integer.


id (int) – the number \(M\) of rotations in the subgroup


a tuple containing

  • gspace: the restricted gspace

  • back_map: a function mapping an element of the subgroup to itself in the fiber group of the original space

  • subgroup_map: a function mapping an element of the fiber group of the original space to itself in the subgroup (returns None if the element is not in the subgroup)


class Flip2dOnR2(axis=1.5707963267948966, fibergroup=None)[source]

Bases: e2cnn.gspaces.r2.general_r2.GeneralOnR2

Describes reflectional symmetries of the plane \(\R^2\).

Reflections are applied along the line through the origin with an angle axis degrees with respect to the X-axis.

  • axis (float, optional) – the slope of the axis of the reflection (in radians). By default, the vertical axis is used (\(\pi/2\)).

  • fibergroup (Group, optional) – use an already existing instance of the symmetry group


~.axis (float) – Angle with respect to the horizontal axis which defines the reflection axis.


Build the GSpace associated with the subgroup of the current fiber group identified by the input id.

As the reflection group contains only two elements, it has only one subgroup: the trivial group. The only accepted input values are id=1 which returns an instance of TrivialOnR2 and id=2 which returns a new instance of the current group.


id (tuple) – the id of the subgroup


a tuple containing

  • gspace: the restricted gspace

  • back_map: a function mapping an element of the subgroup to itself in the fiber group of the original space

  • subgroup_map: a function mapping an element of the fiber group of the original space to itself in the subgroup (returns None if the element is not in the subgroup)

Trivial Action

class TrivialOnR2(fibergroup=None)[source]

Bases: e2cnn.gspaces.r2.general_r2.GeneralOnR2

Describes the plane \(\R^2\) without considering any origin-preserving symmetry. This is modeled by a choosing trivial fiber group \(\{e\}\).


This models the symmetries of conventional Convolutional Neural Networks which are not equivariant to origin preserving transformations such as rotations and reflections.


fibergroup (Group, optional) – use an already existing instance of the symmetry group. By default, it builds a new instance of the trivial group.


Build the GSpace associated with the subgroup of the current fiber group identified by the input id.

As the trivial group contains only one element, there are no other subgroups. The only accepted input value is id=1 and returns this same group. This functionality is implemented only for consistency with the other G-spaces.


id (int) – the order of the subgroup


a tuple containing

  • gspace: the restricted gspace

  • back_map: a function mapping an element of the subgroup to itself in the fiber group of the original space

  • subgroup_map: a function mapping an element of the fiber group of the original space to itself in the subgroup (returns None if the element is not in the subgroup)