Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from import change_basis, directsum
from import generate_irrep_matrices_from_generators
from import restrict_irrep
from import cycle_isclose

from .utils import *

from .so3_utils import PARAMETRIZATIONS
from .so3_utils import IDENTITY, _grid, _combine, _equal, _invert, _change_param, _check_param, _hash

from .so3group import _build_character, _build_irrep

import numpy as np

from typing import Tuple, Callable, Iterable, List, Dict, Any, Union

__all__ = ["Icosahedral"]

_PHI = (1. + np.sqrt(5)) / 2

[docs]class Icosahedral(Group): PARAM = PARAMETRIZATION_SO3 PARAMETRIZATIONS = PARAMETRIZATIONS def __init__(self): r""" Subgroup Structure: +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``id[0]`` | ``id[1]`` | subgroup | +===================================+===================================+===================================================================================================================+ | 'ico' | | The Icosahedral :math:`I` group itself | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 'tetra' | | Tetrahedral :math:`T` subgroup | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | False | N = 1, 2, 3, 5 | :math:`C_N` of N discrete planar rotations | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | True | N = 2, 3, 5 | *dihedral* :math:`D_N` subgroup of N discrete planar rotations and out-of-plane :math:`\pi` rotation | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | True | 1 | equivalent to ``(False, 2, adj)`` | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ """ super(Icosahedral, self).__init__("Icosahedral", False, False) self._identity = self.element(IDENTITY) self._elements = [self.element(g) for g in _grid('ico')] assert len(self._elements) == 60 # self._identity = self._elements[3] self._generators = [ self._elements[21], # Cyclic Group of order 5 self._elements[0], # Cyclic Group of order 2 # self._elements[38] # Cyclic Group of order 3 # self._elements[0] @ self._elements[21] # Cyclic Group of order 3 ] self._build_representations() @property def generators(self) -> List[GroupElement]: return self._generators @property def identity(self) -> GroupElement: return self._identity @property def elements(self) -> List[GroupElement]: return self._elements @property def _keys(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return dict() @property def subgroup_trivial_id(self): return (False, 1) @property def subgroup_self_id(self): return 'ico' ########################################################################### # METHODS DEFINING THE GROUP LAW AND THE OPERATIONS ON THE GROUP'S ELEMENTS ########################################################################### def _inverse(self, element, param=PARAM): r""" Return the inverse element of the input element """ return _invert(element, param=param) def _combine(self, e1, e2, param=PARAM, param1=None, param2=None ): r""" Return the sum of the two input elements """ return _combine(e1, e2, param=param, param1=param1, param2=param2) def _equal(self, e1, e2, param=PARAM, param1=None, param2=None, ) -> bool: r""" Check if the two input values corresponds to the same element """ return _equal(e1, e2, param=param, param1=param1, param2=param2) def _hash_element(self, element, param=PARAM): return _hash(element, param) def _repr_element(self, element, param=PARAM): return element.__repr__() def _is_element(self, element, param: str = PARAM, verbose: bool = False, ) -> bool: ATOL = 1e-7 RTOL = 1e-5 angle_ATOL = 1e-6 if not _check_param(element, param): if verbose: print(f"Element {element} is not a rotation") return False element = self._change_param(element, param, 'Q') v = element[:3] theta = 2*np.arccos(np.clip(element[3], -1., 1.)) if cycle_isclose(theta, 0., 2*np.pi, atol=angle_ATOL, rtol=0.): return True v = v / np.sin(theta/2.) if cycle_isclose(theta, 0., 2 * np.pi / 2, atol=angle_ATOL, rtol=0.): # rotation of order 2 return _is_axis_aligned(v, 2, verbose=verbose, ATOL=ATOL, RTOL=RTOL) elif cycle_isclose(theta, 0., 2 * np.pi / 3, atol=angle_ATOL, rtol=0.): # rotation or order 3 return _is_axis_aligned(v, 3, verbose=verbose, ATOL=ATOL, RTOL=RTOL) elif cycle_isclose(theta, 0., 2 * np.pi / 5, atol=angle_ATOL, rtol=0.): # rotation or order 5 return _is_axis_aligned(v, 5, verbose=verbose, ATOL=ATOL, RTOL=RTOL) else: if verbose: print(f'Group element is neither a 2-fold, a 3-fold nor a 5-fold rotation.') return False def _change_param(self, element, p_from: str, p_to: str): assert p_from in self.PARAMETRIZATIONS assert p_to in self.PARAMETRIZATIONS return _change_param(element, p_from, p_to) ########################################################################### def sample(self, param: str = PARAM) -> GroupElement: return self._elements[ np.random.randint(self.order()) ]
[docs] def testing_elements(self) -> Iterable[GroupElement]: r""" A finite number of group elements to use for testing. """ return iter(self._elements)
def change_param(self, element, p_from, p_to): return _change_param(element, p_from, p_to) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Icosahedral): return False else: return == def _process_subgroup_id(self, id): if not isinstance(id, tuple): id = (id,) assert isinstance(id[0], bool) or isinstance(id[0], str), id[0] if not isinstance(id[-1], GroupElement): id = (*id, self.identity) assert id[-1].group == self if isinstance(id[0], bool): assert id[1] in [1, 2, 3, 5] if id[0] == True and id[1] == 1: # flip subgroup of the O(2) subgroup of SO(3) # this is equivalent to the C_2 subgroup of 180 deg rotations out of the plane (around X axis) # V = np.asarray([0., -_PHI, 1 / _PHI]) V = np.array([1., 1., -1.]) V /= np.linalg.norm(V) change_axis = np.zeros(4) change_axis[:3] = V * np.sin(np.pi/3.) change_axis[3] = np.cos(np.pi/3.) adj = self.element(change_axis, 'Q') @ id[-1] id = (False, 2, adj) return id def _subgroup(self, id) -> Tuple[ Group, Callable[[GroupElement], GroupElement], Callable[[GroupElement], GroupElement] ]: r""" Returns: a tuple containing - the subgroup, - a function which maps an element of the subgroup to its inclusion in the original group and - a function which maps an element of the original group to the corresponding element in the subgroup (returns None if the element is not contained in the subgroup) """ # TODO : implement this! sg = None parent_map = None child_map = None id, adj = id[:-1], id[-1] if id == ('ico',): sg = self parent_map = build_adjoint_map(self, ~adj) child_map = build_adjoint_map(self, adj) elif id == ('tetra',): raise NotImplementedError() elif id == (False, 1): sg = parent_map, child_map = build_trivial_subgroup_maps(self) elif id == (False, 2): sg = axis = np.asarray([0., 0., 1.]) parent_map = cn_to_ico(adj, sg, axis=axis) child_map = ico_to_cn(adj, sg, axis=axis) elif id == (False, 3): sg = axis = np.asarray([1., 1., 1.]) / np.sqrt(3) parent_map = cn_to_ico(adj, sg, axis=axis) child_map = ico_to_cn(adj, sg, axis=axis) elif id == (False, 5): sg = axis = np.asarray([_PHI, 0., 1.]) axis /= np.linalg.norm(axis) parent_map = cn_to_ico(adj, sg, axis=axis) child_map = ico_to_cn(adj, sg, axis=axis) elif id == (True, 2): sg = parent_map, child_map = None, None raise NotImplementedError() elif id == (True, 3): sg = parent_map, child_map = None, None raise NotImplementedError() elif id == (True, 5): sg = parent_map, child_map = None, None raise NotImplementedError() else: raise ValueError(f'Subgroup id {id} not recognized!') return sg, parent_map, child_map def _restrict_irrep(self, irrep: str, id) -> Tuple[np.matrix, List[str]]: r""" Returns: a pair containing the change of basis and the list of irreps of the subgroup which appear in the restricted irrep """ sg_id, adj = id[:-1], id[-1] irr = self.irrep(*irrep) sg, _, _ = self.subgroup(id) irreps = [] change_of_basis = None try: if sg_id == ('ico', ): change_of_basis = irr.change_of_basis irreps = irr.irreps elif sg_id == (False, 1): change_of_basis = np.eye(irr.size) irreps = [(0,)]*irr.size else: raise NotImplementedError() except NotImplementedError: if sg.order() > 0: change_of_basis, irreps = restrict_irrep(irr, sg_id) else: raise change_of_basis = self.irrep(*irrep)(adj).T @ change_of_basis return change_of_basis, irreps def _build_representations(self): r""" Build the irreps for this group """ # Build all the Irreducible Representations # add Trivial representation self.irrep(0) # add other irreducible representations self.irrep(1) self.irrep(2) # SO(3)'s freq 3 irrep decomposes in another 3 dimensional irrep and a 4 dimensional one self.irrep(3) self.irrep(4) # add all the irreps to the set of representations already built for this group self.representations.update(**{ irr for irr in self.irreps()}) # build the regular representation # N.B.: it represents the LEFT-ACTION of the elements self.representations['regular'] = self.regular_representation @property def trivial_representation(self) -> Representation: return self.irrep(0) @property def standard_representation(self) -> Representation: r""" Restriction of the standard representation of SO(3) as 3x3 rotation matrices """ name = f'standard' if name not in self._representations: change_of_basis = np.array([ [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0] ]) self._representations[name] = change_basis( self.irrep(1), change_of_basis=change_of_basis, name=name, supported_nonlinearities=self.irrep(1).supported_nonlinearities, ) return self._representations[name] @property def ico_vertices_representation(self) -> Representation: # action on the 12 vertices of the icosahedron (or faces of the dodecahedron) # quotient repr wrt C_5 subgroup? return self.quotient_representation((False, 5), name='ico_vertices') @property def ico_faces_representation(self) -> Representation: # action on the 20 faces of the icosahedron (or vertices of the dodecahedron) # quotient repr wrt C_3 subgroup? return self.quotient_representation((False, 3), name='ico_faces') @property def ico_edges_representation(self) -> Representation: # action on the 30 edges of the icosahedron or dodecahedron # quotient repr wrt C_2 subgroup # n.b.: C_2 is the symmetry group of an edge return self.quotient_representation((False, 2), name='ico_edges')
[docs] def bl_irreps(self, L: int) -> List[Tuple]: r""" Returns a list containing the id of all irreps of frequency smaller or equal to ``L``. This method is useful to easily specify the irreps to be used to instantiate certain objects, e.g. the Fourier based non-linearity :class:`~escnn.nn.FourierPointwise`. """ assert 0 <= L <= 4, (L) return [(l,) for l in range(L+1)]
[docs] def bl_regular_representation(self, L: int) -> Representation: r""" Band-Limited regular representation up to frequency ``L`` (included). Args: L(int): max frequency """ assert isinstance(L, int) assert 0 <= L <= 4 name = f'regular_{L}' if name not in self._representations: irreps = [] for l in range(L + 1): irr = self.irrep(l) irreps += [irr] * irr.size self._representations[name] = directsum(irreps, name=name) return self._representations[name]
[docs] def irrep(self, l: int) -> IrreducibleRepresentation: r""" Build the irrep of :math:`I` identified by the non-negative integer :math:`l`. For :math:`l = 0, 1, 2`, the irrep is equivalent to the Wigner D matrix of the same frequency :math:`l`. For :math:`l=3`, the 7-dimensional Wigner D matrix is decomposed in a 3-dimensional and a 4-dimensional irrep, here identified respectively by :math:`l=3` and :math:`l=4`. Args: l (int): identifier of the irrep Returns: the corresponding irrep """ assert isinstance(l, int) assert 0 <= l <= 4 name = f"irrep_{l}" id = (l,) if id not in self._irreps: if l == 0: # Trivial representation irrep = build_trivial_irrep() character = build_trivial_character() supported_nonlinearities = ['pointwise', 'norm', 'gated', 'gate'] self._irreps[id] = IrreducibleRepresentation(self, id, name, irrep, 1, 'R', supported_nonlinearities=supported_nonlinearities, character=character, frequency=0 ) elif l <= 2: # other Irreducible Representations which are equivalent to Wigner D matrices # irrep = lambda element, l=l: _wigner_d_matrix(, l=l, param=element.param) # character = lambda element, l=l: _character(, l=l, param=element.param) irrep = _build_irrep(l) character = _build_character(l) supported_nonlinearities = ['norm', 'gated'] self._irreps[id] = IrreducibleRepresentation(self, id, name, irrep, 2*l+1, 'R', supported_nonlinearities=supported_nonlinearities, character=character, frequency=l) elif l == 3 or l == 4: irrep = _build_ico_irrep(self, l) supported_nonlinearities = ['norm', 'gated'] self._irreps[id] = IrreducibleRepresentation(self, id, name, irrep, irrep[self.identity].shape[0], 'R', supported_nonlinearities=supported_nonlinearities, frequency=l) else: raise ValueError() return self._irreps[id]
_cached_group_instance = None @classmethod def _generator(cls) -> 'Icosahedral': if cls._cached_group_instance is None: cls._cached_group_instance = Icosahedral() return cls._cached_group_instance
def _is_axis_aligned(v: np.ndarray, n: int, verbose: bool = False, ATOL=1e-7, RTOL = 1e-5) -> bool: norm = np.linalg.norm(v) v = v / norm if n == 2: # rotation of order 2 # the rotation axis need to pass through the center of an edge of the icosahedron or the dodecahedron # These 30 points can be found as any cyclic permutation or change of sign of each element of # these 2 vectors: p = np.array([1., 0., 0.]) # 6 combinations q = np.array([_PHI + 1, _PHI, 1.]) # 24 combinations q /= np.linalg.norm(q) # remove sign ambiguity v = np.abs(v) # fix a permutation making the highest value first m = np.argmax(v) v = np.roll(v, -m) ans = np.allclose(v, p, atol=ATOL, rtol=RTOL) or np.allclose(v, q, atol=ATOL, rtol=RTOL) if not ans and verbose: print(f'Rotation by a multiple of pi/2 not aligned with a 2-fold rotational axis of the Icosahedron.') return ans elif n == 3: # rotation or order 3 # the rotation axis need to pass through a vertex of the dodecahedron # These 20 points can be found as any cyclic permutation or change of sign of each element of # these 2 vectors: p = np.array([1., 1., 1.]) # 8 combinations q = np.array([_PHI, 1 / _PHI, 0.]) # 12 combinations p /= np.linalg.norm(p) q /= np.linalg.norm(q) # remove sign ambiguity v = np.abs(v) # fix a permutation making the highest value first m = np.argmax(v) v = np.roll(v, -m) ans = np.allclose(v, p, atol=ATOL, rtol=RTOL) or np.allclose(v, q, atol=ATOL, rtol=RTOL) if not ans and verbose: print(f'Rotation by a multiple of 2pi/3 not aligned with a 3-fold rotational axis of the Icosahedron.') return ans elif n == 5: # rotation or order 5 # the rotation axis need to pass through a vertex of the icosahedron # These 12 points can be found as any cyclic permutation or change of sign of each element of this vector: p = np.array([_PHI, 0., 1.]) # 12 combinations p /= np.linalg.norm(p) # remove sign ambiguity v = np.abs(v) # fix a permutation making the highest value first m = np.argmax(v) v = np.roll(v, -m) ans = np.allclose(v, p, atol=ATOL, rtol=RTOL) if not ans and verbose: print(f'Rotation by a multiple of 2pi/5 not aligned with a 5-fold rotational axis of the Icosahedron.') return ans else: raise ValueError('The rotation order must be one of {2, 3, 5}.') ############################################# # SUBGROUPS MAPS ############################################# # C_N ##################################### def ico_to_cn(adj: GroupElement, cn:, axis: np.ndarray): assert isinstance(, Icosahedral) assert axis.shape == (3,) assert np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(axis), 1.) assert cn.order() in [2, 3, 5] assert _is_axis_aligned(axis, cn.order()) def _map(e: GroupElement, cn=cn, adj=adj, axis=axis): ico = assert == ico e = adj @ e @ (~adj) e ='Q') v = e[:3] n = np.linalg.norm(v) if np.allclose(n, 0.): return cn.identity elif np.allclose(v / n, axis): # if the rotation is along the axis s, c = n, e[-1] theta = 2 * np.arctan2(s, c) try: return cn.element(theta, 'radians') except ValueError: return None else: return None return _map def cn_to_ico(adj: GroupElement, cn:, axis: np.ndarray): assert isinstance(, Icosahedral) assert axis.shape == (3,) assert np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(axis), 1.) assert cn.order() in [2, 3, 5] assert _is_axis_aligned(axis, cn.order()) def _map(e: GroupElement, cn=cn, adj=adj, axis=axis): assert == cn ico = theta_2 ='radians') / 2. q = np.empty(4) q[:3] = axis * np.sin(theta_2) q[-1] = np.cos(theta_2) return (~adj) @ ico.element(q, 'Q') @ adj return _map ############################################# # Generate irreps ############################################# from joblib import Memory from import __cache_path__ cache = Memory(__cache_path__, verbose=2) def _build_ico_irrep(ico: Icosahedral, l: int): # To enable caching, the output of _build_ico_irrep_picklable needs to be picklable so it can not return a # dictionary with group elements as keys. In this method, we retrieved the cached results and wrap the keys into # group elements again irreps = _build_ico_irrep_picklable(ico, l) return { ico.element(g, param): v for g, param, v in irreps } @cache.cache(ignore=['ico']) def _build_ico_irrep_picklable(ico: Icosahedral, l: int) -> List[Tuple]: # To enable caching, the output of this method needs to be picklable so we can not return a dictionary with # group elements as keys if l == 3: # Representation of the generator of the cyclic subgroup of order 5 rho_p = np.zeros((3, 3)) rho_p[0, 0] = rho_p[1, 1] = np.cos(144 / 180. * np.pi) rho_p[1, 0] = np.sin(144 / 180. * np.pi) rho_p[0, 1] = -np.sin(144 / 180. * np.pi) rho_p[2, 2] = 1. # Representation of the generator of the cyclic subgroup of order 2 rho_q = np.zeros((3, 3)) rho_q[0, 0] = 1. / np.sqrt(5) rho_q[0, 2] = - 2. / np.sqrt(5) rho_q[1, 1] = - 1 rho_q[2, 0] = - 2. / np.sqrt(5) rho_q[2, 2] = - 1. / np.sqrt(5) elif l == 4: # Representation of the generator of the cyclic subgroup of order 5 rho_p = np.zeros((4, 4)) rho_p[0, 0] = rho_p[1, 1] = np.cos(72 / 180. * np.pi) rho_p[1, 0] = np.sin(72 / 180. * np.pi) rho_p[0, 1] = -np.sin(72 / 180. * np.pi) rho_p[2, 2] = rho_p[3, 3] = np.cos(144 / 180. * np.pi) rho_p[3, 2] = np.sin(144 / 180. * np.pi) rho_p[2, 3] = -np.sin(144 / 180. * np.pi) # Representation of the generator of the cyclic subgroup of order 2 rho_q = np.zeros((4, 4)) rho_q[0, 2] = -1 rho_q[1, 1] = 2. / np.sqrt(5) rho_q[1, 3] = 1. / np.sqrt(5) rho_q[2, 0] = -1 rho_q[3, 1] = 1. / np.sqrt(5) rho_q[3, 3] = -2. / np.sqrt(5) else: raise ValueError() generators = [ (ico._generators[0], rho_p), (ico._generators[1], rho_q), ] irreps = generate_irrep_matrices_from_generators(ico, generators) return [ (k.value, k.param, v) for k, v in irreps.items() ]