Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from import IrreducibleRepresentation
from import directsum, change_basis
from import restrict_irrep

from .so3_utils import *

from .utils import *

import numpy as np

from typing import Tuple, Callable, Iterable, List, Dict, Any, Union

    import py3nj
except ImportError:
    import warnings
    warnings.warn("`py3nj` package not found! Will use a numerical method to compute the SO(3) Clebsh-Gordan coefficents. This is much slower but the coefficients will be cached on disk.")

    py3nj = None

__all__ = ["SO3"]

[docs]class SO3(Group): PARAM = PARAMETRIZATION PARAMETRIZATIONS = PARAMETRIZATIONS def __init__(self, maximum_frequency: int = 2): r""" Build an instance of the special orthogonal group :math:`SO(3)` which contains continuous rotations in the space. Subgroup Structure: +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``id[0]`` | ``id[1]`` | subgroup | +===================================+===================================+===============================================================================================================================================================================================================+ | 'so3' | | :math:`SO(3)` group itself | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 'ico' | | Icosahedral :math:`I` subgroup | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 'octa' | | Octahedral :math:`O` subgroup | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 'tetra' | | Tetrahedral :math:`T` subgroup | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | False | -1 | :math:`SO(2)` subgroup of planar rotations around Z axis | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | False | N | :math:`C_N` of N discrete planar rotations around Z axis | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | True (or float) | -1 | *dihedral* :math:`O(2)` subgroup of planar rotations around Z axis and out-of-plane :math:`\pi` rotation around axis in the XY plane defined by ``id[1] / 2`` (X axis by default) | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | True (or float) | N>1 | *dihedral* :math:`D_N` subgroup of N discrete planar rotations around Z axis and out-of-plane :math:`\pi` rotation around axis in the XY plane defined by ``id[1] / 2`` (X axis by default) | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | True (or float) | 1 | equivalent to ``(False, 2, adj)`` | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Args: maximum_frequency (int, optional): the maximum frequency to consider when building the irreps of the group """ assert (isinstance(maximum_frequency, int) and maximum_frequency >= 0) super(SO3, self).__init__("SO(3)", True, False) self._maximum_frequency = maximum_frequency self._identity = self.element(IDENTITY, PARAMETRIZATION) self._build_representations() @property def generators(self) -> List[GroupElement]: raise ValueError(f'{} is a continuous groups and ' f'some of its generators are infinitesimal. ' f'This is not currently supported') @property def identity(self) -> GroupElement: return self._identity @property def elements(self) -> List[GroupElement]: return None @property def _keys(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return dict() @property def subgroup_trivial_id(self): return (False, 1) @property def subgroup_self_id(self): return 'so3' ########################################################################### # METHODS DEFINING THE GROUP LAW AND THE OPERATIONS ON THE GROUP'S ELEMENTS ########################################################################### def _inverse(self, element, param=PARAM): r""" Return the inverse element of the input element """ return _invert(element, param=param) def _combine(self, e1, e2, param=PARAM, param1=None, param2=None ): r""" Return the sum of the two input elements """ return _combine(e1, e2, param=param, param1=param1, param2=param2) def _equal(self, e1, e2, param=PARAM, param1=None, param2=None, ) -> bool: r""" Check if the two input values corresponds to the same element """ return _equal(e1, e2, param=param, param1=param1, param2=param2) def _hash_element(self, element, param: str = PARAM): return _hash(element, param) def _repr_element(self, element, param: str = PARAM) -> str: return _repr(element, param) def _is_element(self, element, param: str = PARAM, verbose: bool = False) -> bool: if not _check_param(element, param): if verbose: print(f"Element {element} is not a rotation") return False return True def _change_param(self, element, p_from: str, p_to: str): assert p_from in self.PARAMETRIZATIONS assert p_to in self.PARAMETRIZATIONS return _change_param(element, p_from, p_to) ########################################################################### def sample(self, param: str = PARAM) -> GroupElement: return self.element(_grid('rand', N=1, parametrization=param)[0])
[docs] def grid(self, type: str, *args, adj: GroupElement = None, parametrization: str = PARAMETRIZATION, **kwargs) -> List[GroupElement]: r""" Method which builds different collections of elements of :math:`\SO3`. Depending on the value of ``type``, the method accept a different set of parameters using the ``args`` and the ``kwargs`` arguments: * ``type = "rand"``. Generate ``N`` *random* uniformly distributed samples over the group. The method accepts an integer ``N`` and, optionally, a random seed ``seed`` (or an instance of :class:`numpy.random.RandomState`). * ``type = "thomson"``. Generate ``N`` samples distributed (approximately) uniformly over the group. The samples are obtained with a numerical method which tries to minimize a potential energy depending on the relative distance between the points. The first call of this method for a particular value of ``N`` might be slow due to this numerical method. However, the resulting set of points is cached on disk such that following calls will return the same result instantly. * ``type = "thomson_cube"``. Generate ``24*N`` samples with *cubic* (*octahedral*) symmetry, distributed (approximately) uniformly over the group. The samples are obtained with a numerical method which tries to minimize a potential energy depending on the relative distance between the points. The first call of this method for a particular value of ``N`` might be slow due to this numerical method. However, the resulting set of points is cached on disk such that following calls will return the same result instantly. * ``type = "ico", "cube", "tetra"``. Generate respectively ``60``, ``24`` or ``12`` samples corresponding to the rotational symmetries of respectively the Icosahedron (or Dodecahedron), Octahedron (or Cube) or the Tetrahedron. * ``type = "hopf"``. Generates *about* ``N`` points by creating a HEAPlix grid on the sphere and combining it with a regular grid over :math:`\SO2` using Hopf fibration. .. todo :: add reference to paper explaining Hopf fibration based grid * ``type = "fibonacci"``. Generates *about* ``N`` points by creating a Fibonacci grid on the sphere and combining it with a regular grid over :math:`\SO2` using Hopf fibration. Args: type (str): string identifying the type of samples *args: arguments specific for the type of samples chosen adj (GroupElement, optional): optionally, apply an adjoint transform to the sampled elements. parametrization (str, optional): **kwargs: arguments specific for the type of samples chosen Returns: a list of group elements """ if adj is None: adj = self.identity adj = return [ self.element(g, param=parametrization) for g in _grid(type, *args, adj=adj, parametrization=parametrization, **kwargs) ]
[docs] def sphere_grid(self, type: str, *args, adj: GroupElement = None, **kwargs) -> List[GroupElement]: r""" Method which builds different collections of points over the sphere. Here, a sphere is interpreted as the quotient space :math:`\SO3 / \SO2`. The list returned by this method contains instances of :class:``. These are elements of :class:`` and should be interpreted as *representatives* of cosets in :math:`\SO3 / \SO2`. Depending on the value of ``type``, the method accept a different set of parameters using the ``args`` and the ``kwargs`` arguments: * ``type = "rand"``. Generate ``N`` *random* uniformly distributed samples over the sphere. The method accepts an integer ``N`` and, optionally, a random seed ``seed`` (or an instance of :class:`numpy.random.RandomState`). * ``type = "thomson"``. Generate ``N`` samples distributed (approximately) uniformly over the sphere. The samples are obtained with a numerical method which tries to minimize a potential energy depending on the relative distance between the points. The first call of this method for a particular value of ``N`` might be slow due to this numerical method. However, the resulting set of points is cached on disk such that following calls will return the same result instantly. * ``type = "thomson_cube"``. Generate ``24*N`` samples with perfect *cubic* (*octahedral*) symmetry, distributed (approximately) uniformly over the shere. The samples are obtained with a numerical method which tries to minimize a potential energy depending on the relative distance between the points. The first call of this method for a particular value of ``N`` might be slow due to this numerical method. However, the resulting set of points is cached on disk such that following calls will return the same result instantly. * ``type = "ico", "cube", "tetra"``. Return the orbit of the point :math:`(0, 0, 1)` under the action of the Icosahedral, Octahedral or Tetrahedral group. The resulting samples correspond to the corners, edges or faces of a Platonic solid. .. todo :: add more types to support vertices, edges and faces for all solids. Currently, ``"ico"`` returns the centers of the 30 edges while ``"cube"`` returns the centers of its 6 faces .. warning:: The naming convention might change in future to support faces/edges/vertices of the solids * ``type = "healpix"``. Generates *about* ``N`` points using the HEAPlix grid on the sphere. * ``type = "fibonacci"``. Generates ``N`` points using the Fibonacci grid on the sphere. * ``type = "longlat"``. Generates an ``N`` by ``M`` grid over the sphere in the longitude (``N``) - latitude (``M``) coordinates. Args: type (str): string identifying the type of samples *args: arguments specific for the type of samples chosen adj (GroupElement, optional): optionally, apply an adjoint transform to the sampled elements. **kwargs: arguments specific for the type of samples chosen Returns: a list of group elements """ if adj is None: adj = self.identity adj ='MAT') points = _sphere_grid(type, *args, adj=adj, **kwargs) elements = np.zeros((len(points), 3, 3)) elements[:, :, 2] = points y = np.random.randn(len(points), 3) - points elements[:, :, 1] = y - (y*points).sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)*points elements[:, :, 1] /= np.linalg.norm(elements[:, :, 1], axis=1, keepdims=True) elements[:, :, 0] = np.cross(elements[:, :, 2], elements[:, :, 1]) det = np.linalg.det(elements) assert np.allclose(np.abs(det), 1.) elements[:, :, 2] *= det.reshape(-1, 1) return [ self.element(g, param='MAT') for g in elements ]
[docs] def testing_elements(self, n=3) -> Iterable[GroupElement]: r""" A finite number of group elements to use for testing. """ return self.grid('ico') samples = np.empty((n**3, 3)) i = 0 for a in range(n): alpha = 2 * np.pi * a / n for b in range(n): # beta = np.pi * (2 * b + 1) / (2*n) # beta = np.pi * (b + 1) / (n+2) # sample around b = 0 and b = np.pi to check singularities beta = np.pi * b / n for c in range(n): gamma = 2 * np.pi * c / n samples[i, :] = alpha, beta, gamma i+=1 samples = self._change_param(samples, p_from='ZYZ', p_to=self.PARAM) # samples = set() # i = 0 # for a in range(n): # alpha = 2 * np.pi * a / n # for b in range(n): # # beta = np.pi * (2 * b + 1) / (2*n) # # beta = np.pi * (b + 1) / (n+2) # # sample around b = 0 and b = np.pi to check singularities # beta = np.pi * b / n # for c in range(n): # gamma = 2 * np.pi * c / n # i+=1 # sample = alpha, beta, gamma # # sample = self._change_param(sample, p_from='ZYZ', p_to='Q') # # sign = np.heaviside(sample, 1.)*2 -1. # sample = sample * # # norm = np.linalg.norm(sample) # assert np.allclose(norm, 1.), (alpha, beta, gamma, sample, sign, norm) # # samples.add(tuple(sample.tolist())) # # samples = np.array(list(samples)) # samples = self._change_param(samples, p_from='Q', p_to=PARAMETRIZATION) samples = [self.element(g, self.PARAM) for g in samples] return samples
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SO3): return False else: return == # and self._maximum_frequency == other._maximum_frequency def _process_subgroup_id(self, id): if not isinstance(id, tuple): id = (id,) if not isinstance(id[-1], GroupElement): id = (*id, self.identity) assert id[-1].group == self if len(id) == 3 and isinstance(id[0], float): # O(2) (or subgroup) subgroup # if id[0] is bool, it specifies SO(2) vs O(2) subgroup # if id[0] is float, it assumes O(2) and it is twice the flip axis of O(2) # in this last case, we convert it to the boolean convention and include the flip axis inside the adjoing # The factor of 2 in id[0] comes from the fact that a flip around the axis theta, as an element of O(2), is # the combination of a reflection along the X axis (theta=0) and a rotation by 2*theta. # The values id[0] = 2*theta represents the SO(2) component of the flip. flip_axis = id[0] / 2. flip = np.asarray([0., 0., np.sin(flip_axis / 2), np.cos(flip_axis / 2)]) flip = self.element(flip, 'Q') adjoint = (~flip) @ id[-1] id = (True, id[1], adjoint) assert isinstance(id[0], bool) or isinstance(id[0], str), id[0] if len(id) == 3 and id[0] == True and id[1] == 1: # flip subgroup of the O(2) subgroup of SO(3) # this is equivalent to the C_2 subgroup of 180 deg rotations out of the plane change_axis = np.asarray([0., np.sin(-np.pi / 4), 0., np.cos(-np.pi / 4)]) adj = self.element(change_axis, 'Q') @ id[-1] id = (False, 2, adj) return id def _subgroup(self, id: Tuple) -> Tuple[ Group, Callable[[GroupElement], GroupElement], Callable[[GroupElement], GroupElement] ]: r""" id can either be - a string in ['ico', 'octa' or 'tetra'] or - a tuple [flip (out of plane 180 rot), N (number of discrete rots)] id can also be a tuple, whose first elements contain the id above, and the last is an element of SO(3) used to perform adjunction Returns: a tuple containing - the subgroup, - a function which maps an element of the subgroup to its inclusion in the original group and - a function which maps an element of the original group to the corresponding element in the subgroup (returns None if the element is not contained in the subgroup) """ sg_id, adj = id[:-1], id[-1] assert isinstance(adj, GroupElement) and == self if len(sg_id) == 1 and isinstance(sg_id[0], str): sg_id = sg_id[0] if sg_id == 'so3': sg = self # parent_mapping = lambda x, adj=adj, _adj=~adj: _adj @ x @ adj parent_mapping = build_adjoint_map(self, ~adj) # child_mapping = lambda x, adj=adj, _adj=~adj: adj @ x @ _adj child_mapping = build_adjoint_map(self, adj) elif sg_id == 'ico': sg = parent_mapping = rotgroup_to_so3(adj, sg) child_mapping = so3_to_rotgroup(adj, sg) elif sg_id == 'octa': sg = parent_mapping = rotgroup_to_so3(adj, sg) child_mapping = so3_to_rotgroup(adj, sg) elif sg_id == 'tetra': # sg = Tetrahedral() # parent_mapping = ico_to_so3(adj, sg) # child_mapping = so3_to_ico(adj, sg) raise NotImplementedError() else: raise ValueError(f'Subgroup "{sg_id}" not recognized!') elif len(sg_id) == 2: # planar subgroups if sg_id == (False, -1): # SO(2) sg = parent_mapping = so2_to_so3(adj, sg) child_mapping = so3_to_so2(adj, sg) elif sg_id == (True, -1): # O(2) sg = parent_mapping = o2_to_so3(adj, sg) child_mapping = so3_to_o2(adj, sg) elif sg_id[0] == False and sg_id[1] > 0: # Cyclic subgroup # or flip subgroup of the O(2) subgroup n = sg_id[1] assert isinstance(n, int) sg = parent_mapping = so2_to_so3(adj, sg) child_mapping = so3_to_so2(adj, sg) elif sg_id[0] == True and sg_id[1] > 1: # Dihedral subgroup n = sg_id[1] assert isinstance(n, int) sg = parent_mapping = o2_to_so3(adj, sg) child_mapping = so3_to_o2(adj, sg) elif sg_id[0] == True and sg_id[1] == 1: # flip subgroup of the O(2) subgroup # This case should have already been caught in the CyclicGroup case (thanks to the # process_subgroup_id method) raise ValueError(f'Subgroup "{sg_id}": this case should have already been caught!') else: raise ValueError(f'Subgroup "{sg_id}" not recognized!') else: raise ValueError(f'Subgroup "{sg_id}" not recognized!') return sg, parent_mapping, child_mapping def _combine_subgroups(self, sg_id1, sg_id2): sg_id1 = self._process_subgroup_id(sg_id1) sg1, inclusion, restriction = self.subgroup(sg_id1) sg_id2 = sg1._process_subgroup_id(sg_id2) sg_id1, adjoint1 = sg_id1[:-1], sg_id1[-1] adjoint2 = None sg_id = None if sg_id1 == ('so3',): # subgroup of SO3 sg_id = sg_id2[:-1] adjoint2 = inclusion(sg_id2[-1]) elif sg_id1[0] == 'ico' and len(sg_id1) == 1: # I if sg_id2[0] in ['ico', 'tetra']: sg_id = sg_id2[0], adjoint2 = inclusion(sg_id2[1]) else: flip, n, adjoint_ico = sg_id2 sg_id = flip, n adjoint2 = inclusion(adjoint_ico) if n == 3: axis = np.asarray([1., 1., 1.]) / np.sqrt(3) rot = find_rotation_pole2point(axis) adjoint2 = ~self.element(rot, 'MAT') @ adjoint2 elif n == 5: from import _PHI axis = np.asarray([_PHI, 0., 1.]) axis /= np.linalg.norm(axis) rot = find_rotation_pole2point(axis) adjoint2 = ~self.element(rot, 'MAT') @ adjoint2 else: assert n in [1, 2] elif sg_id1[0] in ['octa', 'tetra'] and len(sg_id1) == 1: # O # T raise NotImplementedError() # planar subgroups elif sg_id1[0] == False and isinstance(sg_id1[1], int): # SO(2) or C_N sg_id = False, sg_id2 elif sg_id1[0] == True and isinstance(sg_id1[1], int): # O(2) or D_N flip = sg_id2[0] is not None if flip and sg_id1[1] == -1: sg_id = sg_id2 elif flip and sg_id1[1] > 0: sg_id = sg_id2[0] * 2 * np.pi / sg_id1[1], sg_id2[1] else: sg_id = False, sg_id2[1] elif sg_id1[0] is True and sg_id1[1] == 1: # flip subgroup of O(2), C_2 # This case should have already been caught in the CyclicGroup case (thanks to the # process_subgroup_id method) # this is equivalent to C_2 above raise ValueError(f'Subgroup "{sg_id1}": this case should have already been caught!') else: raise ValueError(f'Subgroup "{sg_id1}" not recognized!') if adjoint2 is not None: adjoint = adjoint1 @ adjoint2 else: adjoint = adjoint1 return sg_id + (adjoint,) def _restrict_irrep(self, irrep: Tuple, id) -> Tuple[np.matrix, List[Tuple]]: r""" Returns: a pair containing the change of basis and the list of irreps of the subgroup which appear in the restricted irrep """ sg_id, adj = id[:-1], id[-1] irr = self.irrep(*irrep) l = irr.attributes['frequency'] sg, _, _ = self.subgroup(id) irreps = [] change_of_basis = None try: if len(sg_id) == 1 and isinstance(sg_id[0], str): sg_id = sg_id[0] if sg_id == 'so3': change_of_basis = irr.change_of_basis irreps = irr.irreps elif sg_id == 'ico': if l <= 2: change_of_basis = np.eye(irr.size) irreps = [(l,)] else: raise NotImplementedError() elif sg_id == 'octa': if l <= 1: change_of_basis = np.eye(irr.size) irreps = [(l,)] else: raise NotImplementedError() elif sg_id == 'tetra': raise NotImplementedError() else: raise ValueError(f'Subgroup "{sg_id}" not recognized!') elif len(sg_id) == 2: # planar subgroups if sg_id == (False, -1): # SO(2) irreps = [(f,) for f in range(l+1)] change_of_basis = np.zeros((2*l+1, 2*l+1)) change_of_basis[l, 0] = 1. for f in range(l): change_of_basis[l+f+1, 2*f+1] = 1. change_of_basis[l-f-1, 2*f+2] = 1. elif sg_id == (True, -1): # O(2) j = l % 2 irreps = [(j, 0)] + [(1, f) for f in range(1, l+1)] change_of_basis = np.zeros((2*l+1, 2*l+1)) change_of_basis[l, 0] = 1. for f in range(l): change_of_basis[l + f + 1, 2 * f + 1] = 1. change_of_basis[l - f - 1, 2 * f + 2] = 1. if (l+f) % 2 == 0: # TODO - prove this! block = change_of_basis[[l - f - 1, l+f+1], 2*f+1:2*f+3] block = block @ np.asarray([ [0., -1], [1., 0.] ]) change_of_basis[[l - f - 1, l + f + 1], 2 * f + 1:2 * f + 3] = block elif sg_id[0] == False and sg_id[1] > 0: # Cyclic Group # restrict first to SO(2) and then reuse the irreps restriction from SO(2) to C_N so2_sgid = self._process_subgroup_id((False, -1)) change_of_basis_so2, irreps_so2 = self._restrict_irrep(irrep, so2_sgid) so2, _, _ = self.subgroup(so2_sgid) p = 0 cob_so2_cn = np.zeros((2*l+1, 2*l+1)) for irr in irreps_so2: cob_cn, irr_cn = so2._restrict_irrep(irr, sg_id[1]) irreps += irr_cn irr = so2.irrep(*irr) cob_so2_cn[p:p+irr.size, p:p+irr.size] = cob_cn p += irr.size change_of_basis = change_of_basis_so2 @ cob_so2_cn elif sg_id[0] == True and sg_id[1] > 1: # Dihedral Group # restrict first to O(2) and then reuse the irreps restriction from O(2) to D_N o2_sgid = self._process_subgroup_id((True, -1)) change_of_basis_o2, irreps_o2 = self._restrict_irrep(irrep, o2_sgid) o2, _, _ = self.subgroup(o2_sgid) p = 0 cob_o2_cn = np.zeros((2 * l + 1, 2 * l + 1)) for irr in irreps_o2: cob_cn, irr_cn = o2._restrict_irrep(irr, (0., sg_id[1])) irreps += irr_cn irr = o2.irrep(*irr) cob_o2_cn[p:p + irr.size, p:p + irr.size] = cob_cn p += irr.size change_of_basis = change_of_basis_o2 @ cob_o2_cn elif sg_id[0] == True and sg_id[1] == 1: # flip subgroup of the O(2) subgroup # This case should have already been caught in the CyclicGroup case (thanks to the # process_subgroup_id method) raise ValueError(f'Subgroup "{sg_id}": this case should have already been caught!') else: raise ValueError(f'Subgroup "{sg_id}" not recognized!') else: raise ValueError(f'Subgroup "{sg_id}" not recognized!') except NotImplementedError: change_of_basis, irreps = restrict_irrep(irr, sg_id) change_of_basis = self.irrep(*irrep)(adj).T @ change_of_basis return change_of_basis, irreps def _build_representations(self): r""" Build the irreps for this group """ # Build all the Irreducible Representations k = 0 # add Trivial representation self.irrep(k) # add other irreducible representations for k in range(1, self._maximum_frequency + 1): self.irrep(k) # add all the irreps to the set of representations already built for this group self.representations.update(**{ irr for irr in self.irreps()}) @property def trivial_representation(self) -> Representation: return self.irrep(0)
[docs] def bl_regular_representation(self, L: int) -> Representation: r""" Band-Limited regular representation up to frequency ``L`` (included). Args: L(int): max frequency """ name = f'regular_{L}' if name not in self._representations: irreps = [] for l in range(L+1): irreps += [self.irrep(l)]*(2*l+1) self._representations[name] = directsum(irreps, name=name) return self._representations[name]
[docs] def bl_quotient_representation(self, L: int, subgroup_id, ) -> r""" Band-Limited quotient representation up to frequency ``L`` (included). The quotient representation corresponds to the action of the current group :math:`G` on functions over the homogeneous space :math:`G/H`, where :math:`H` is the subgroup of :math:`G` identified by ``subgroup_id``. Args: L(int): max frequency subgroup_id: id identifying the subgroup H. """ name = f"quotient[{subgroup_id}]_{L}" if name not in self.representations: subgroup, _, _ = self.subgroup(subgroup_id) homspace = self.homspace(subgroup_id) irreps = [] for l in range(L+1): irr = self.irrep(l) multiplicity = homspace.dimension_basis(,[1] irreps += [irr] * multiplicity self.representations[name] = directsum(irreps, name=name) return self.representations[name]
[docs] def bl_sphere_representation(self, L: int, ) -> r""" Representation of :math:`\SO3` acting on functions on the sphere band-limited representation up to frequency ``L`` (included). Args: L(int): max frequency """ return self.bl_quotient_representation(L, (False, -1))
[docs] def bl_induced_representation(self, L: int, repr:, subgroup_id, ) -> r""" Band-Limited induced representation from the input representation ``repr`` up to frequency ``L`` (included). Args: L(int): max frequency repr (IrreducibleRepresentation): the representation of the subgroup subgroup_id: id identifying the subgroup H. """ name = f"induced[{subgroup_id}][{}]_{L}" if name not in self.representations: subgroup, _, _ = self.subgroup(subgroup_id) homspace = self.homspace(subgroup_id) assert isinstance(repr, IrreducibleRepresentation) assert == subgroup irreps = [] for l in range(L + 1): irr = self.irrep(l) multiplicity = homspace.dimension_basis(,[1] irreps += [irr] * multiplicity assert len(irreps) > 0, f'Error! The induced representation from {} band-limited to {L} does not contain any irreps' self.representations[name] = directsum(irreps, name=name) return self.representations[name]
[docs] def bl_irreps(self, L: int) -> List[Tuple]: r""" Returns a list containing the id of all irreps of frequency smaller or equal to ``L``. This method is useful to easily specify the irreps to be used to instantiate certain objects, e.g. the Fourier based non-linearity :class:`~escnn.nn.FourierPointwise`. """ assert 0 <= L, L return [(l,) for l in range(L+1)]
# @property
[docs] def standard_representation(self) -> Representation: r""" Standard representation of :math:`\SO3` as 3x3 rotation matrices """ name = f'standard' if name not in self._representations: change_of_basis = np.array([ [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0] ]) self._representations[name] = change_basis( self.irrep(1), change_of_basis=change_of_basis, name=name, supported_nonlinearities=self.irrep(1).supported_nonlinearities, ) return self._representations[name]
[docs] def irrep(self, l: int) -> IrreducibleRepresentation: r""" Build the irrep with rotational frequency :math:`l` of :math:`SO(3)`. Notice: the frequency has to be a non-negative integer. Args: l (int): the frequency of the irrep Returns: the corresponding irrep """ assert l >= 0 name = f"irrep_{l}" id = (l,) if id not in self._irreps: if l == 0: # Trivial representation irrep = build_trivial_irrep() character = build_trivial_character() supported_nonlinearities = ['pointwise', 'norm', 'gated', 'gate'] self._irreps[id] = IrreducibleRepresentation(self, id, name, irrep, 1, 'R', supported_nonlinearities=supported_nonlinearities, character=character, frequency=0 ) else: # other Irreducible Representations irrep = _build_irrep(l) character = _build_character(l) supported_nonlinearities = ['norm', 'gated'] self._irreps[id] = IrreducibleRepresentation(self, id, name, irrep, 2*l+1, 'R', supported_nonlinearities=supported_nonlinearities, character=character, frequency=l) return self._irreps[id]
def _clebsh_gordan_coeff(self, m, n, j) -> np.ndarray: group_keys = self._keys m = self.get_irrep_id(m) n = self.get_irrep_id(n) j = self.get_irrep_id(j) return _clebsh_gordan_tensor_so3(m[0], n[0], j[0]) def _tensor_product_irreps(self, J: int, l: int) -> List[Tuple[Tuple, int]]: J, = self.get_irrep_id(J) l, = self.get_irrep_id(l) return [ ((j,), 1) for j in range(np.abs(J - l), J + l + 1) ] _cached_group_instance = None @classmethod def _generator(cls, maximum_frequency: int = 3) -> 'SO3': if cls._cached_group_instance is None: cls._cached_group_instance = SO3(maximum_frequency) elif cls._cached_group_instance._maximum_frequency < maximum_frequency: cls._cached_group_instance._maximum_frequency = maximum_frequency cls._cached_group_instance._build_representations() return cls._cached_group_instance
def _clebsh_gordan_tensor_so3(m: int, n: int, j: int): if py3nj is None: return,), (n,), (j,), SO3.__name__) else: m1 = np.arange(-m, m + 1).reshape(-1, 1, 1) m2 = np.arange(-n, n + 1).reshape(1, -1, 1) M = np.arange(-j, j + 1).reshape(1, 1, -1) _m = np.array([m]).reshape(1, 1, 1) _n = np.array([n]).reshape(1, 1, 1) _j = np.array([j]).reshape(1, 1, 1) cg = py3nj.clebsch_gordan(2 * _m, 2 * _n, 2 * _j, 2 * m1, 2 * m2, 2 * M) cob_m = _change_of_basis_real2complex(m) cob_n = _change_of_basis_real2complex(n) cob_j = _change_of_basis_real2complex(j).T.conj() cg = np.einsum('jlJ,KJ->jlK', cg, cob_j) cg = np.einsum('jlJ,jk->klJ', cg, cob_m) cg = np.einsum('jlJ,lk->jkJ', cg, cob_n) if (n + m + j) % 2 == 0: return cg.real.reshape(2 * m + 1, 2 * n + 1, 1, 2 * j + 1) else: return cg.imag.reshape(2 * m + 1, 2 * n + 1, 1, 2 * j + 1) def _build_irrep(l: int): def irrep(e: GroupElement, l: int = l): return _wigner_d_matrix(e.value, l, param=e.param) return irrep def _build_character(l: int): def character(e: GroupElement, l: int = l): return _character(e.value, l, param=e.param) return character ############################################# # SUBGROUPS MAPS ############################################# # SO(3) and Polyhedrons' Symmetries ############################### def so3_to_rotgroup(adj: GroupElement, rotgroup: assert isinstance(, SO3) assert 'Q' in rotgroup.PARAMETRIZATIONS def _map(e: GroupElement, rotgroup=rotgroup, adj=adj): so3 = assert == so3 try: return rotgroup.element( (adj @ e @ (~adj)).to('Q'), 'Q' ) except ValueError: return None return _map def rotgroup_to_so3(adj: GroupElement, rotgroup: assert isinstance(, SO3) assert 'Q' in rotgroup.PARAMETRIZATIONS def _map(e: GroupElement, rotgroup=rotgroup, adj=adj): assert == rotgroup so3 = return (~adj) @ so3.element('Q'), 'Q') @ adj return _map # SO(2) (and C_N) ##################################### def so3_to_so2(adj: GroupElement, so2: Union[,]): assert isinstance(, SO3) def _map(e: GroupElement, so2=so2, adj=adj): so3 = assert == so3 e = adj @ e @ (~adj) e ='Q') if np.allclose(e[:2], 0.): # if the rotation is along the Z axis, i.e. on the XY plane s, c = e[2:] theta = 2 * np.arctan2(s, c) try: return so2.element(theta, 'radians') except ValueError: return None else: return None return _map def so2_to_so3(adj: GroupElement, so2: Union[,]): assert isinstance(, SO3) def _map(e: GroupElement, so2=so2, adj=adj): assert == so2 so3 = theta_2 ='radians') / 2. q = np.asarray([0., 0., np.sin(theta_2), np.cos(theta_2)]) return (~adj) @ so3.element(q, 'Q') @ adj return _map # O(2) (and D_N) ###################################### def so3_to_o2(adj: GroupElement, o2: Union[,]): assert isinstance(, SO3) def _map(e: GroupElement, o2=o2, adj=adj): so3 = assert == so3 e = adj @ e @ (~adj) e ='Q') if np.allclose(e[:2], 0.): # if it is a rotation along the Z axis, i.e. on the XY plane s, c = e[2:] theta = 2 * np.arctan2(s, c) flip = 0 try: return o2.element((flip, theta), 'radians') except ValueError: return None elif np.allclose(e[2:], 0.): # if it is a rotation by 180 degrees around an axis perpendicular to Z, i.e. an axis in the XY plane c, s = e[:2] theta = 2 * np.arctan2(s, c) flip = 1 try: return o2.element((flip, theta), 'radians') except ValueError: return None else: return None return _map def o2_to_so3(adj: GroupElement, o2: Union[,]): assert isinstance(, SO3) def _map(e: GroupElement, o2=o2, adj=adj): assert == o2 so3 = f, theta ='radians') theta_2 = theta / 2. s, c = np.sin(theta_2), np.cos(theta_2) if f == 0: q = np.asarray([0., 0., s, c]) elif f == 1: q = np.asarray([c, s, 0., 0.]) else: raise ValueError() return (~adj) @ so3.element(q, 'Q') @ adj return _map ############################################ def check_parametrization(): # check change of parametrizations parameterizations = ( 'Q', 'MAT', 'EV', 'xyz', 'xzy', 'yxz', 'yzx', 'zxy', 'zyx', # Type-I Euler angles AKA Tait-Bryan angles 'xyx', 'xzx', 'yxy', 'yzy', 'zxz', 'zyz', # Type-II Euler angles 'XYZ', 'XZY', 'YXZ', 'YZX', 'ZXY', 'ZYX', # Type-I Euler angles AKA Tait-Bryan angles 'XYX', 'XZX', 'YXY', 'YZY', 'ZXZ', 'ZYZ', # Type-II Euler angles ) G = SO3(2) er = set() for p2 in ['Q']: for p1 in parameterizations: for g in G.testing_elements(12): g_ = g._element g0 = _change_param(g_, p_from=PARAMETRIZATION, p_to=p1) g2 = _change_param(g0, p_from=p1, p_to=p2) g1 = _change_param(g2, p_from=p2, p_to=p1) if not G._equal(g0, g1, param1=p1, param2=p1): print(g_) print(g0) print(g2) print(g1) print('-----------------------') er.add((p1, p2)) # assert G._equal(g0, g1, param1=p1, param2=p1, param=PARAMETRIZATION)#, (g, p1, p2) print(sorted(list(er))) for p1 in parameterizations: for g in G.testing_elements(5): g = g._element g0 = _change_param(g, p_from=PARAMETRIZATION, p_to=p1) g1 = _change_param(g0, p_from=p1, p_to='Q') assert np.allclose(np.linalg.norm(g1), 1.), (p1, g) if __name__ == '__main__': check_parametrization() print(_change_param(np.array([0., 0., 0.]), 'zyz', 'Q')) for i in range(100): q = np.random.randn(4) q[np.random.randint(4)] = 0. q /= np.linalg.norm(q) m = _change_param(q, 'Q', 'MAT') q2 = _change_param(m, 'MAT', 'Q') np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True) if not (np.allclose(q, q2) or np.allclose(q, -q2)): print(q) print(q2) print('--------------')