Source code for

from typing import Tuple, Union, List

from import IrreducibleRepresentation, GroupElement, Group, Representation, directsum

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components

__all__ = ["HomSpace"]

[docs]class HomSpace: def __init__(self, G: Group, sgid: Tuple, ): r""" Class defining an homogeneous space, i.e. the quotient space :math:`X \cong G / H` generated by a group :math:`G` and a subgroup :math:`H<G`, called the *stabilizer* subgroup. As a quotient space, the homogeneous space is defined as the set .. math:: X \cong G / H = \{gH \ | g \in G \} where :math:`gH = \{gh | h \in H\}` is a *coset*. A classical example is given by the sphere :math:`S^2`, which can be interpreted as the quotient space :math:`S^2 \cong \SO3 / \SO2`, where :math:`\SO3` is the group of all 3D rotations and :math:`\SO2` here represents the subgroup of all planar rotations around the Z axis. This class is useful to generate bases for the space of functions or vector fields (Mackey functions) over the homogeneous space :math:`X\cong G / H`. Args: G (Group): the symmetry group of the space sgid (tuple): the id of the stabilizer subgroup """ super(HomSpace, self).__init__() # Group: self.G = G self.H, self._inclusion, self._restriction = self.G.subgroup(sgid) # tuple: self.sgid = sgid # dict: self._representations = {} # dict: self._names_to_irreps = {} # dict: self._names_to_psi = {} def same_coset(self, g1: GroupElement, g2: GroupElement) -> bool: f''' Check if the input elements `g1` and `g2` belong to the same coset in :math:`G/H`, i.e. if :math:`\exists h : g_1 = g_2 h`. ''' assert == self.G assert == self.G d = ~g1 @ g2 return self._restriction(d) is not None
[docs] def basis(self, g: GroupElement, rho: Union[IrreducibleRepresentation, Tuple], psi: Union[IrreducibleRepresentation, Tuple] ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Let `rho` be an irrep of :math:`G` and `psi` an irrep of :math:`H`. This method generates a basis for the subspace of `psi`-vector fields over :math:`X\cong G/H` which transforms under `rho` and samples its elements on the input :math:`g \in G`. .. note:: Note that a `psi`-vector field :math:`f` is interpreted as a Mackey function, i.e. as a map :math:`f: G \to \R^{\text{dim}_\psi}`, rather than :math:`f: X \to \R^{\text{dim}_\psi}`. Indeed, this function takes an element :math:`g\in G` in input. This function can be composed with a choice of *section* :math:`\gamma: X \to G` to obtain a vector field over `X`. Let :math:`m` be the multiplicity of :math:`\rho`, i.e. the number of subspaces which transform according to `rho` and :math:`\text{dim}_\rho` the dimensionality of the :math:`G`-irrep `rho`, Then, the space is :math:`\text{dim}_\rho \times m` dimensional and this method generates :math:`\text{dim}_\rho \times m` basis functions over :math:`G`. However, this method returns an array of shape :math:`\text{dim}_\rho \times m \times \text{dim}_\psi`, where :math:`\text{dim}_\psi` is the dimensionality of the :math:`H`-irrep `psi`. Any slice along the last dimension of size :math:`\text{dim}_\psi`, returns a valid :math:`\text{dim}_\rho \times m` dimensional basis. The redundant elements along the last dimension can be used to express the :math:`H`-equivariance property of the Mackey functions in a convenient way. A Mackey function :math:`f` satisfies the following constraint .. math:: f(g h) = \psi(h^{-1}) f(g) In the basis generated by this method, this action translates in the following property. A left multiplication by :math:`\rho(ghg^{-1})` along the first dimension is equivalent to a right multiplication by :math:`\psi(h)` along the last dimension. In other words:: B = self.basis(g, rho, psi) Bh = np.einsum('ijp,pq->ijq', B, psi(h)) hB = np.einsum('oi,ijp->ojp', rho(g) @ rho.restrict(self.sgid)(h) @ rho(g).T, B) assert np.allclose(Bh, hB) Args: g (GroupElement): the group element where to sample the elements of the basis rho (IrreducibleRepresentation): an irrep of `G` (or its id) psi (IrreducibleRepresentation): an irrep of `H` (or its id) Returns: an array of shape :math:`\text{dim}_\rho \times m \times \text{dim}_\psi` representing the basis elements sampled on `g` """ assert == self.G if isinstance(rho, tuple): rho = self.G.irrep(*rho) if isinstance(psi, tuple): psi = self.H.irrep(*psi) assert isinstance(rho, IrreducibleRepresentation) assert isinstance(psi, IrreducibleRepresentation) assert == self.G assert == self.H # (rho.size, multiplicity of rho in Ind psi, psi.size) # B[:, j, :] is an intertwiner between f(e) \in V_psi and the j-th occurrence of rho in Ind psi # # B_0(g) = rho(g) @ B[:, :, 0] # contains the basis for f \in Ind psi interpreted as a scalar function f: G \to R # (as a subrepresentation of the regular repr of G) # i.e. it contains a basis for f(g)_0 # # The full tensor B(g) = rho(g) @ B # is a basis for f interpreted as a Mackey function f: G \to V_psi B = self._dirac_kernel_ft(, # rho(g) @ B return np.einsum('oi, ijp->ojp', rho(g), B)
def _dirac_kernel_ft(self, rho: Tuple, psi: Tuple, eps: float = 1e-9) -> np.ndarray: # TODO: this can be cached rho = self.G.irrep(*rho) psi = self.H.irrep(*psi) rho_H = rho.restrict(self.sgid) m_psi = 0 for irrep in rho_H.irreps: if self.H.irrep(*irrep) == psi: m_psi += 1 basis = np.zeros((rho.size, m_psi * psi.sum_of_squares_constituents, psi.size)) # pick the arbitrary basis element e_i (i=0) for V_\psi i = 0 p = 0 j = 0 column_mask = np.zeros(rho.size, dtype=bool) for irrep in rho_H.irreps: irrep = self.H.irrep(*irrep) if irrep == psi: w_i = (psi.endomorphism_basis()[:, i, :] **2).sum(axis=0) nonnull_mask = w_i > eps assert nonnull_mask.sum() == psi.sum_of_squares_constituents O_ij = np.einsum( 'kj,kab->ajb', psi.endomorphism_basis()[:, i, nonnull_mask], psi.endomorphism_basis(), ) basis[p:p+irrep.size, j:j+psi.sum_of_squares_constituents, :] = O_ij column_mask[p:p+irrep.size] = nonnull_mask j += psi.sum_of_squares_constituents p += irrep.size if rho.sum_of_squares_constituents > 1: # tensorprod = np.einsum('ia,jb,kij->abk', basis[..., 0], basis[..., 0], rho.endomorphism_basis()/rho.sum_of_squares_constituents) # norm = (tensorprod**2).sum(axis=-1) # ortho = norm > eps endom_basis = ( rho_H.change_of_basis_inv[column_mask, :]
[docs] @ rho.endomorphism_basis() @ rho_H.change_of_basis[:, column_mask] ) ortho = (endom_basis**2).sum(0) > eps assert ortho.sum() == column_mask.sum() * rho.sum_of_squares_constituents, (ortho, column_mask.sum(), rho.sum_of_squares_constituents) n, dependencies = connected_components(csgraph=csr_matrix(ortho), directed=False, return_labels=True) # check Frobenius' Reciprocity assert n * rho.sum_of_squares_constituents == m_psi * psi.sum_of_squares_constituents,\ (n, rho.sum_of_squares_constituents, m_psi, psi.sum_of_squares_constituents, rho, psi) mask = np.zeros((ortho.shape[0]), dtype=bool) for i in range(n): columns = np.nonzero(dependencies == i)[0] assert len(columns) == rho.sum_of_squares_constituents selected_column = columns[0] mask[selected_column] = 1 assert mask.sum() == n basis = basis[:, mask, :] assert basis.shape[1] == n basis = np.einsum('oi,ijp->ojp', rho_H.change_of_basis, basis) return basis def dimension_basis(self, rho: Tuple, psi: Tuple) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: r""" Return the tuple :math:`(\text{dim}_\rho, m, \text{dim}_\psi)`, i.e. the shape of the array returned by :meth:``. Args: rho (IrreducibleRepresentation): an irrep of `G` (or its id) psi (IrreducibleRepresentation): an irrep of `H` (or its id) """ rho = self.G.irrep(*rho) psi = self.H.irrep(*psi) # Computing this restriction every time can be very expensive. # Representation.restrict(id) keeps a cache of the representations, so the restriction needs to be computed only # the first time it is called rho_H = rho.restrict(self.sgid) m_psi = rho_H.multiplicity( # m_psi = 0 # for irrep in rho_H.irreps: # if self.H.irrep(*irrep) == psi: # m_psi += 1 # Frobenius' Reciprocity theorem multiplicity = m_psi * psi.sum_of_squares_constituents / rho.sum_of_squares_constituents assert np.isclose(multiplicity, round(multiplicity)) multiplicity = int(round(multiplicity)) return rho.size, multiplicity, psi.size
[docs] def scalar_basis(self, g: GroupElement, rho: Union[IrreducibleRepresentation, Tuple], ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Let `rho` be an irrep of :math:`G`. This method generates a basis for the subspace of scalar fields over :math:`X\cong G/H` which transforms under `rho` and samples its elements on the input :math:`g \in G`. .. note:: Note that a scalar field :math:`f` is interpreted as a Mackey function, i.e. as a map :math:`f: G \to \R`, rather than :math:`f: X \to \R`. Indeed, this function takes an element :math:`g\in G` in input. Since this function is constant along each coset :math:`gH`, it can be composed with a choice of *section* :math:`\gamma: X \to G` to obtain a scalar field over `X`. Let :math:`m` be the multiplicity of :math:`\rho`, i.e. the number of subspaces which transform according to `rho` and :math:`\text{dim}_\rho` the dimensionality of the :math:`G`-irrep `rho`, Then, the space is :math:`\text{dim}_\rho \times m` dimensional and this method generates :math:`\text{dim}_\rho \times m` basis functions over :math:`G`. .. seealso:: This method is equivalent to :meth:`` with ``psi = H.trivial_representation`` and flattening the last dimensionsion of the returned array (since the trivial representation is one dimensional). Args: g (GroupElement): the group element where to sample the elements of the basis rho (IrreducibleRepresentation): an irrep of `G` (or its id) Returns: an array of shape :math:`\text{dim}_\rho \times m` representing the basis elements sampled on `g` """ return self.basis(g, rho,
[docs] def induced_representation( self, psi: Union[IrreducibleRepresentation, Tuple] = None, irreps: List = None, name: str = None ) -> Representation: r""" Representation acting on the finite dimensional invariant subspace of the induced representation containing only the ``irreps`` passed in input. The induced representation is expressed in the spectral basis, i.e. as a direct sum of irreps. The optional parameter ``name`` is also used for caching purpose. Consecutive calls of this method using the same ``name`` will ignore the arguments ``psi`` and ``irreps`` and return the same instance of representation. .. note:: If ``irreps`` does not contain sufficiently many irreps, the space might be 0-dimensional. In this case, this method returns None. """ if name is None or name not in self._representations: if isinstance(psi, tuple): psi = self.H.irrep(*psi) assert isinstance(psi, IrreducibleRepresentation) assert == self.H assert irreps is not None and len(irreps) > 0, irreps _irreps = [] for irr in irreps: if isinstance(irr, tuple): irr = self.G.irrep(*irr) assert == self.G _irreps.append( irreps = _irreps # check there are no duplicates assert len(irreps) == len(set(irreps)), irreps if name is None: irreps_names = '|'.join(str(i) for i in irreps) name = f'induced[{self.sgid}]_[{}]_[{irreps_names}]' if name not in self._representations: assert irreps is not None and len(irreps) > 0, irreps irreps_ids = [] size = 0 for irr in irreps: irr_size, multiplicity = self.dimension_basis(irr,[:2] irreps_ids += [irr] * multiplicity size += multiplicity * irr_size if size == 0: return None self._names_to_irreps[name] = irreps self._names_to_psi[name] = supported_nonlinearities = ['norm', 'gated', 'concatenated'] self._representations[name] = Representation(self.G, name, irreps_ids, change_of_basis=np.eye(size), supported_nonlinearities=supported_nonlinearities, ) return self._representations[name]
[docs] def complete_basis( self, g: GroupElement, psi: Union[IrreducibleRepresentation, Tuple] = None, irreps: List = None, name: str = None ) -> Representation: r""" Let `psi` an irrep of :math:`H`. This method generates a basis for a subspace of `psi`-vector fields over :math:`X\cong G/H` and samples its elements on the input :math:`g \in G`. In particular, the method consider the union of all subspaces according to any irrep :math:`\rho` of :math:`G` in the input list ``irreps``. The parameters ``psi``, ``irreps`` and ``name`` are used to construct the corresponding representation by using the method :meth:``. See that method's documentation. In particular, consecutive calls of this method with the same ``name`` parameter ignores the other two arguments and use the same cached representation. .. note:: If ``irreps`` does not contain sufficiently many irreps, the space might be 0-dimensional. In this case, this method returns an empty array with shape 0. .. seealso:: This method is equivalent to :meth:``, called with ``rho`` being each irrep in ``irreps``. The resulting arrays are then properly reshaped and stacked. Args: g (GroupElement): the group element where to sample the elements of the basis psi (IrreducibleRepresentation): an irrep of `H` (or its id) irreps (list): a list of irreps of `G` name (str): name of the induced representation of `psi` (used for caching) Returns: an array of size equal to the size of the representation generated by :meth:`` using the same arguments. """ ind_repr = self.induced_representation(psi, irreps, name) if ind_repr is None: return np.zeros(0) basis = np.empty(ind_repr.size) p = 0 for rho in self._names_to_irreps[]: basis_rho = self.basis(g, rho, self._names_to_psi[])[:, :, 0] d = basis_rho.shape[0] * basis_rho.shape[1] basis[p:p+d] = basis_rho.T.reshape(-1) p += d return basis
def _unit_test_basis(self): # check the equivariance of the generated basis for rho in self.G.irreps(): rho_H = rho.restrict(self.sgid) for psi in self.H.irreps(): for _ in range(30): g1 = self.G.sample() g2 = self.G.sample() k_1 = self.basis(g1, rho, psi) k_2 = self.basis(g2, rho, psi) assert k_1.shape == self.dimension_basis(, assert k_2.shape == self.dimension_basis(, g12 = g2 @ (~g1) assert np.allclose( k_2, np.einsum('oi, ijp->ojp', rho(g12), k_1) ) for _ in range(30): h = self.H.sample() g = self.G.sample() B = self.basis(g, rho, psi) assert B.shape == self.dimension_basis(, Bh = np.einsum('ijp,pq->ijq', B, psi(h)) hB = np.einsum('oi,ijp->ojp', rho(g) @ rho_H(h) @ rho(g).T, B) assert np.allclose( Bh, hB ) if self.H.order() == 1: # when inducing from the trivial group, one obtains the regular representation of G # (up to a permutation of the columns) for _ in range(100): g = self.G.sample() B = self.basis(g, rho, self.H.trivial_representation) rho_g = rho(g)[:, :rho.size // rho.sum_of_squares_constituents] # rho_g and B[..., 0] should be equal to each other up to a permutation of the columns comparison = np.einsum('ij,ik->jk', rho_g, B[..., 0]) # therefore the comparison matrix needs to be a permutation matrix assert (np.isclose(comparison.sum(axis=0), 1.)).all() assert (np.isclose(comparison.sum(axis=1), 1.)).all() assert (np.isclose(comparison, 0.) | np.isclose(comparison, 1.)).all() def _unit_test_full_basis(self): # check the equivariance of the generated basis irreps = [] for rho in self.G.irreps(): irreps.append(rho) for psi in self.H.irreps(): ind_repr = self.induced_representation(psi, irreps) if ind_repr is None: continue for _ in range(30): g1 = self.G.sample() g2 = self.G.sample() k_1 = self.complete_basis(g1, psi, irreps, k_2 = self.complete_basis(g2, psi, irreps, g12 = g2 @ (~g1) assert np.allclose( k_2, np.einsum('oi, i->o', ind_repr(g12), k_1) )