Source code for escnn.nn.field_type

from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union

from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import groupby

import escnn.nn
from import Group, GroupElement
from import Representation
from escnn.gspaces import GSpace
from import directsum

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

import torch

__all__ = ["FieldType"]

[docs]class FieldType: def __init__(self, gspace: GSpace, representations: Union[Tuple[Representation], List[Representation]]): r""" An ``FieldType`` can be interpreted as the *data type* of a feature space. It describes: - the base space on which a feature field is living and its symmetries considered - the transformation law of feature fields under the action of the fiber group The former is formalize by a choice of ``gspace`` while the latter is determined by a choice of group representations (``representations``), passed as a list of :class:`` instances. Each single representation in this list corresponds to one independent feature field contained in the feature space. The input ``representations`` need to belong to ``gspace``'s fiber group (:attr:`escnn.gspaces.GSpace.fibergroup`). .. note :: Mathematically, this class describes a *(trivial) vector bundle*, *associated* to the symmetry group :math:`(\R^D, +) \rtimes G`. Given a *principal bundle* :math:`\pi: (\R^D, +) \rtimes G \to \R^D, tg \mapsto tG` with fiber group :math:`G`, an *associated vector bundle* has the same base space :math:`\R^D` but its fibers are vector spaces like :math:`\mathbb{R}^c`. Moreover, these vector spaces are associated to a :math:`c`-dimensional representation :math:`\rho` of the fiber group :math:`G` and transform accordingly. The representation :math:`\rho` is defined as the *direct sum* of the representations :math:`\{\rho_i\}_i` in ``representations``. See also :func:``. Args: gspace (GSpace): the space where the feature fields live and its symmetries representations (tuple, list): a list or tuple of :class:`` s of the ``gspace``'s fiber group, determining the transformation laws of the feature fields Attributes: ~.gspace (GSpace) ~.representations (tuple) ~.size (int): dimensionality of the feature space described by the :class:`~escnn.nn.FieldType`. It corresponds to the sum of the dimensionalities of the individual feature fields or group representations (:attr:``). """ assert len(representations) > 0 assert isinstance(representations, tuple) or isinstance(representations, list) for repr in representations: assert == gspace.fibergroup # GSpace: Space where data lives and its (abstract) symmetries self.gspace = gspace if not isinstance(representations, tuple): representations = tuple(representations) # tuple: tuple containing the list of representations of each feature field composing the feature space of this type self.representations = representations # int: size of the field associated to this type. # as the representation associated to the field is the direct sum of the representations # in :attr:`escnn.nn.fieldtype.representations`, its size is the sum of each of these # representations' size self.size = sum([repr.size for repr in representations]) self._unique_representations = set(self.representations) self._representation = None self._field_start = None self._field_end = None self._hash = hash( + ': {' + ', '.join([ for r in self.representations]) + '}') self._uniform = True rho = self.representations[0] for psi in self.representations: if psi != rho: self._uniform = False break @property def fibergroup(self) -> Group: r""" The fiber group of :attr:`~escnn.nn.FieldType.gspace`. Returns: the fiber group """ return self.gspace.fibergroup @property def representation(self) -> Representation: r""" The (combined) representations of this field type. They describe how the feature vectors transform under the fiber group action, that is, how the channels mix. It is the direct sum (:func:``) of the representations in :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.representations`. Because a feature space can contain a very large number of feature fields, computing this representation as the direct sum of many small representations can be expensive. Hence, this representation is only built the first time it is explicitly used, in order to avoid unnecessary overhead when not needed. Returns: the :class:`` describing the whole feature space """ if self._representation is None: uniques_fields_names = sorted([ for r in self._unique_representations]) self._representation = directsum(list(self.representations), name=f"FiberRepresentation:[{self.size}], [{uniques_fields_names}]") return self._representation @property def irreps(self) -> List[Tuple]: r""" Ordered list of irreps contained in the :attr:`~escnn.nn.FieldType.representation` of the field type. It is the concatenation of the irreps in each representation in :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.representations`. Returns: list of irreps """ irreps = [] for repr in self.representations: irreps += repr.irreps return irreps @property def change_of_basis(self) -> sparse.coo_matrix: r""" The change of basis matrix which decomposes the field types representation into irreps, given as a sparse (block diagonal) matrix (:class:`scipy.sparse.coo_matrix`). It is the direct sum of the change of basis matrices of each representation in :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.representations`. .. seealso :: :attr:`` Returns: the change of basis """ change_of_basis = [] for repr in self.representations: change_of_basis.append(repr.change_of_basis) return sparse.block_diag(change_of_basis) @property def change_of_basis_inv(self) -> sparse.coo_matrix: r""" Inverse of the (sparse) change of basis matrix. See :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.change_of_basis` for more details. Returns: the inverted change of basis """ change_of_basis_inv = [] for repr in self.representations: change_of_basis_inv.append(repr.change_of_basis_inv) return sparse.block_diag(change_of_basis_inv)
[docs] def get_dense_change_of_basis(self) -> torch.FloatTensor: """ The method returns a dense :class:`torch.Tensor` containing a copy of the change-of-basis matrix. .. seealso :: See :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.change_of_basis` for more details. """ return torch.FloatTensor(self.change_of_basis.todense())
[docs] def get_dense_change_of_basis_inv(self) -> torch.FloatTensor: """ The method returns a dense :class:`torch.Tensor` containing a copy of the inverse of the change-of-basis matrix. .. seealso :: See :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.change_of_basis` for more details. """ return torch.FloatTensor(self.change_of_basis_inv.todense())
[docs] def fiber_representation(self, element: GroupElement) -> torch.Tensor: assert == self.fibergroup representation = [] for repr in self.representations: representation.append(repr(element)) representation = sparse.block_diag(representation).todense() representation = torch.tensor(representation) return representation
[docs] def transform_fibers(self, input: torch.Tensor, element: GroupElement) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Transform the feature vectors of the input tensor according to the group representation associated to the input element. Interpreting the tensor as a vector-valued signal :math:`f: X \to \mathbb{R}^c` over a base space :math:`X` (where :math:`c` is the number of channels of the tensor), given the input ``element`` :math:`g \in G` (:math:`G` fiber group) the method returns the new signal :math:`f'`: .. math :: f'(x) := \rho(g) f(x) for :math:`x \in X` point in the base space and :math:`\rho` the representation of :math:`G` in the field type of this tensor. Notice that the input element has to be an element of the fiber group of this tensor's field type. .. seealso :: See :meth:`escnn.nn.FieldType.transform` to transform the whole tensor. Args: input (torch.Tensor): the tensor to transform element (GroupElement): an element of the group of symmetries of the fiber. Returns: the transformed tensor """ representation = self.fiber_representation(element).to(dtype=input.dtype, device=input.device) # .contiguous() seems necessary here; if the array is not contiguous some operations have unexpected behaviors return torch.einsum("oi,bi...->bo...", representation, input).contiguous()
[docs] def transform(self, input: torch.Tensor, element: GroupElement, coords: torch.Tensor = None, order: int = 2) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]: r""" The method takes a PyTorch's tensor, compatible with this type (i.e. whose spatial dimensions are supported by the base space and whose number of channels equals the :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.size` of this type), and an element of the fiber group of this type. Transform the input tensor according to the group representation associated with the input element and its (induced) action on the base space. This transformation includes both an action over the basespace (e.g. a rotation of the points on the plane) and a transformation of the channels by left-multiplying them with a representation of the fiber group. The method takes as input a tensor (``input``) and an ``element`` of the fiber group. The tensor ``input`` is the feature field to be transformed and needs to be compatible with the G-space and the representation (i.e. its number of channels equals the size of that representation). ``element`` needs to belong to the fiber group: check :meth:``. This method returns a transformed tensor through the action of ``element``. In addition, the method accepts an optional `coords` tensor. If the argument is not passed, the `input` tensor is assumed to have shape `(batchsize, channels, *spatial_grid_shape)` and to represent features sampled on a grid of shape `spatial_grid_shape`; in this case, the action on the base space resamples the transformed features on this grid (using interpolation, if necessary). If `coords` is not `None`, `input` is assumed to be a `(#points, channels)` tensor containing an unstructured set of points living on the base space; then, `coords` should contain the coordinates of these points. The base space action will then transform these coordinates (no interpolation required). In that case, the method returns a pair containing both the transformed features (according to the action on the fibers) and the transformed coordinates (according to the action on the basespace). More precisely, given an input tensor, interpreted as an :math:`c`-dimensional signal :math:`f: \R^D \to \mathbb{R}^c` defined over the base space :math:`\R^D`, a representation :math:`\rho: G \to \mathbb{R}^{c \times c}` of :math:`G` and an element :math:`g \in G` of the fiber group, the method returns the transformed signal :math:`f'` defined as: .. math:: f'(x) := \rho(g) f(g^{-1} x) .. note :: Mathematically, this method transforms the input with the **induced representation** from the input ``repr`` (:math:`\rho`) of the symmetry group (:math:`G`) to the *total space* (:math:`P`), i.e. with :math:`Ind_{G}^{P} \rho`. For more details on this, see `General E(2)-Equivariant Steerable CNNs <>`_ or `A General Theory of Equivariant CNNs On Homogeneous Spaces <>`_. .. warning :: In case `coords` is not passed and, therefore, the resampling of the grid is performed, the input tensor is detached before the transformation, therefore no gradient is propagated back through this operation. .. seealso :: See :meth:`escnn.nn.GeometricTensor.transform_fibers` to transform only the fibers, i.e. not transform the base space. See :meth:`escnn.gspaces.GSpace._interpolate_transform_basespace` for more details on the action on the base space. Args: input (torch.Tensor): input tensor element (GroupElement): element of the fiber group coords (torch.Tensor, optional): coordinates of the points in `input`. If `None` (by default), it assumes the points `input` are arranged in a grid and it transforms the grid by interpolation. Otherwise, it transforms the coordinates in `coords` using `self.gspace.basespace_action()`. In the last case, the method returns a tuple `(transformed_input, transformed_coords)`. Returns: transformed tensor and, optionally, the transformed coordinates """ assert == self.fibergroup output = self.transform_fibers(input, element) if coords is None: output_np = output.detach().to('cpu').numpy() transformed = self.gspace._interpolate_transform_basespace(output_np, element, order=order) transformed = np.ascontiguousarray(transformed).astype(output_np.dtype) return torch.from_numpy(transformed).to(device=input.device) else: assert len(coords.shape) == 2, coords.shape assert len(input.shape) == 2, input.shape assert coords.shape[1] == self.gspace.dimensionality, \ f"Error! `coords` tensor with shape {coords.shape} does not match the dimensionality of the field type {self.gspace.dimensionality}." assert input.shape[0] == coords.shape[0], \ f"Error! Points in the `input` and `coords` tensors do not match: {input.shape[0]} != {coords.shape[0]}." representation = torch.tensor( self.gspace.basespace_action(element) ).to(dtype=coords.dtype, device=coords.device) # .contiguous() seems necessary here; if the array is not contiguous some operations have unexpected behaviors transformed_coords = torch.einsum("oi,pi->po", representation, coords).contiguous() return output, transformed_coords
[docs] def restrict(self, id) -> 'FieldType': r""" Reduce the symmetries modeled by the :class:`~escnn.nn.FieldType` by choosing a subgroup of its fiber group as specified by ``id``. This implies a restriction of each representation in :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.representations` to this subgroup. .. seealso :: Check the documentation of the :meth:`~escnn.gspaces.GSpace.restrict` method in the subclass of :class:`~escnn.gspaces.GSpace` used for a description of the parameter ``id``. Args: id: identifier of the subgroup to which the :class:`~escnn.nn.FieldType` and its :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.representations` should be restricted Returns: the restricted type """ # build the subgroup subspace, _, _ = self.gspace.restrict(id) # restrict each different base representation in the fiber representation restricted_reprs = {} for r in self._unique_representations: restricted_reprs[] = self.gspace.fibergroup.restrict_representation(id, r) # for each field, retrieve the corresponding restricted representation fields = [restricted_reprs[] for r in self.representations] # build the restricted fiber representation rrepr = subspace.type(*fields) return rrepr
[docs] def sorted(self) -> 'FieldType': r""" Return a new field type containing the fields of the current one sorted by their dimensionalities. It is built from the :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.representations` of this field type sorted. Returns: the sorted field type """ keys = [(r.size, i) for i, r in enumerate(self.representations)] keys = sorted(keys) permutation = [k[1] for k in keys] return self.index_select(permutation)
[docs] def __add__(self, other: 'FieldType') -> 'FieldType': r""" Returns a field type associate with the *direct sum* :math:`\rho = \rho_1 \oplus \rho_2` of the representations :math:`\rho_1` and :math:`\rho_2` of two field types. In practice, the method builds a new :class:`~escnn.nn.FieldType` using the concatenation of the lists :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.representations` of the two field types. The two field types need to be associated with the same :class:`~escnn.gspaces.GSpace`. Args: other (FieldType): the other addend Returns: the direct sum """ assert self.gspace == other.gspace return FieldType(self.gspace, self.representations + other.representations)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: r""" Return the number of feature fields in this :class:`~escnn.nn.FieldType`, i.e. the length of :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.representations`. .. note :: This is in general different from :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.size`. Returns: the number of fields in this type """ return len(self.representations)
[docs] def fields_names(self) -> List[str]: r""" Return an ordered list containing the names of the representation associated with each field. Returns: the list of fields' representations' names """ return [ for r in self.representations]
[docs] def index_select(self, index: List[int]) -> 'FieldType': r""" Build a new :class:`~escnn.nn.FieldType` from the current one by taking the :class:`` s selected by the input ``index``. Args: index (list): a list of integers in the range ``{0, ..., N-1}``, where ``N`` is the number of representations in the current field type Returns: the new field type """ assert max(index) < len(self.representations) assert min(index) >= 0 # retrieve the fields in the input representation to build the output representation representations = [self.representations[i] for i in index] return FieldType(self.gspace, representations)
@property def fields_end(self) -> np.ndarray: r""" Array containing the index of the first channel following each field. More precisely, the integer in the :math:`i`-th position is equal to the index of the last channel of the :math:`i`-th field plus :math:`1`. """ if self._field_end is None: field_idx = [] p = 0 for r in self.representations: p += r.size field_idx.append(p) self._field_end = np.array(field_idx, dtype=np.uint64) return self._field_end @property def fields_start(self) -> np.ndarray: r""" Array containing the index of the first channel of each field. More precisely, the integer in the :math:`i`-th position is equal to the index of the first channel of the :math:`i`-th field. """ if self._field_start is None: field_idx = [] p = 0 for r in self.representations: field_idx.append(p) p += r.size self._field_start = np.array(field_idx, dtype=np.uint64) return self._field_start
[docs] def group_by_labels(self, labels: List[str]) -> Dict[str, 'FieldType']: r""" Associate a label to each feature field (or representation in :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.representations`) and group them accordingly into new :class:`~escnn.nn.FieldType` s. Args: labels (list): a list of strings with length equal to the number of representations in :attr:`escnn.nn.FieldType.representations` Returns: a dictionary mapping each different input label to a new field type """ assert len(labels) == len(self) fields = defaultdict(lambda: []) for c, l in enumerate(labels): # append the index of the current field to the list of fields belonging to this label fields[l].append(c) # for each label, build the field type of the sub-fiber on which it acts types = {} for l in labels: # retrieve the sub-fiber corresponding to this label types[l] = self.index_select(fields[l]) return types
@property def uniform(self) -> bool: r""" Whether this FieldType contains only copies of the same representation, i.e. if all the elements of :attr:`~escnn.nn.FieldType.representations` are the same :class:``. """ return self._uniform
[docs] def __iter__(self): r""" It is possible to iterate over all :attr:`~escnn.nn.FieldType.representations` in a field type by using :class:`~escnn.nn.FieldType` as an *iterable* object. """ return iter(self.representations)
def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, FieldType): return self.gspace == other.gspace and self.representations == other.representations else: return False def __hash__(self): return self._hash def __repr__(self): summarized_representations = [ (k, len(list(g))) for k, g in groupby([ for r in self.representations]) ] return '[' + + ': {' + ', '.join([f'{k} (x{n})' for k, n in summarized_representations]) + '}' + f'({self.size})]' # return '[' + + ': {' + ', '.join([ for r in self.representations]) + '}]' @property def testing_elements(self): r""" Alias for ``self.gspace.testing_elements``. .. seealso:: :attr:`escnn.gspaces.GSpace.testing_elements` and :attr:`` """ return self.gspace.testing_elements def __call__(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, coords: torch.Tensor = None) -> 'escnn.nn.GeometricTensor': return escnn.nn.GeometricTensor(tensor, self, coords)