Source code for escnn.nn.modules.disentangle_module

from escnn.nn import GeometricTensor
from escnn.nn import FieldType

import torch
import numpy as np

from .equivariant_module import EquivariantModule
from .utils import indexes_from_labels
from escnn.gspaces import *
from import disentangle

from collections import defaultdict

from typing import List, Tuple, Any

__all__ = ["DisentangleModule"]

[docs]class DisentangleModule(EquivariantModule): def __init__(self, in_type: FieldType): r""" Disentangles the representations in the field type of the input. This module only acts as a wrapper for :func:``. In the constructor, it disentangles each representation in the input type to build the output type and pre-compute the change of basis matrices needed to transform each input field. During the forward pass, each field in the input tensor is transformed with the change of basis corresponding to its representation. Args: in_type (FieldType): the input field type """ assert isinstance(in_type, FieldType) assert isinstance(in_type.gspace, GSpace) super(EquivariantModule, self).__init__() self.in_type = in_type disentangled_representations = {} _change_of_basis_matrices = {} self._sizes = {} for r in self.in_type._unique_representations: self._sizes[] = r.size cob, reprs = disentangle(r) disentangled_representations[] = reprs _change_of_basis_matrices[] = torch.FloatTensor(cob) self.register_buffer('change_of_basis_{}'.format(, _change_of_basis_matrices[]) out_reprs = [] self._nfields = defaultdict(int) for r in self.in_type.representations: self._nfields[] += 1 out_reprs += disentangled_representations[] self.out_type = FieldType(self.in_type.gspace, out_reprs) grouped_indices = indexes_from_labels(self.in_type, [ for r in self.in_type.representations]) self._order = [] self._contiguous = {} for repr_name, (contiguous, fields_indices, fiber_indices) in grouped_indices.items(): self._order.append(repr_name) self._contiguous[repr_name] = contiguous if contiguous: fiber_indices = (min(fiber_indices), max(fiber_indices)+1) fiber_indices = torch.LongTensor(fiber_indices) self.register_buffer(f"fiber_indices_{repr_name}", fiber_indices) def forward(self, input: GeometricTensor) -> GeometricTensor: assert input.type == self.in_type coords = input.coords input = input.tensor b, c = input.shape[:2] spatial_shape = input.shape[2:] output = torch.empty_like(input) # for each different representation in the fiber for repr_name in self._order: contiguous = self._contiguous[repr_name] fiber_indices = getattr(self, f"fiber_indices_{repr_name}") # retrieve the associated change of basis cob = getattr(self, f"change_of_basis_{repr_name}") # retrieve the associated fields from the input tensor if contiguous: input_fields = input[:, fiber_indices[0]:fiber_indices[1], ...] else: input_fields = input[:, fiber_indices, ...] # reshape to align all the fields in order to exploit broadcasting input_fields = input_fields.view(b, self._nfields[repr_name], self._sizes[repr_name], *spatial_shape) # TODO: can we exploit the fact the change of basis is a permutation matrix? # transform all the fields with the change of basis transformed_fields = torch.einsum("oi,bci...->bco...", (cob, input_fields)).reshape(b, -1, *spatial_shape) # insert the transformed fields in the output tensor if contiguous: output[:, fiber_indices[0]:fiber_indices[1], ...] = transformed_fields else: output[:, fiber_indices, ...] = transformed_fields return GeometricTensor(output, self.out_type, coords) def evaluate_output_shape(self, input_shape: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Tuple[int, ...]: return input_shape def check_equivariance(self, atol: float = 1e-7, rtol: float = 1e-5) -> List[Tuple[Any, float]]: c = self.in_type.size x = torch.randn(3, c, 10, 10) x = GeometricTensor(x, self.in_type) errors = [] for el in self.out_type.testing_elements: print(el) out1 = self(x).transform(el).tensor.detach().numpy() out2 = self(x.transform(el)).tensor.detach().numpy() errs = out1 - out2 errs = np.abs(errs).reshape(-1) print(el, errs.max(), errs.mean(), errs.var()) assert np.allclose(out1, out2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol), \ 'The error found during equivariance check with element "{}" is too high: max = {}, mean = {} var ={}' \ .format(el, errs.max(), errs.mean(), errs.var()) errors.append((el, errs.mean())) return errors