Source code for escnn.nn.modules.pooling.norm_max

from collections import defaultdict

from torch.nn import Parameter

from escnn.gspaces import *
from escnn.nn import FieldType
from escnn.nn import GeometricTensor

from ..equivariant_module import EquivariantModule

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from typing import List, Tuple, Any, Union

import math

__all__ = ["NormMaxPool"]

[docs]class NormMaxPool(EquivariantModule): def __init__(self, in_type: FieldType, kernel_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], stride: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = None, padding: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, dilation: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 1, ceil_mode: bool = False ): r""" Max-pooling based on the fields' norms. In a given window of shape :attr:`kernel_size`, for each group of channels belonging to the same field, the field with the highest norm (as the length of the vector) is preserved. Except :attr:`in_type`, the other parameters correspond to the ones of :class:`torch.nn.MaxPool2d`. .. warning :: Even if the input tensor has a `coords` attribute, the output of this module will not have one. Args: in_type (FieldType): the input field type kernel_size: the size of the window to take a max over stride: the stride of the window. Default value is :attr:`kernel_size` padding: implicit zero padding to be added on both sides dilation: a parameter that controls the stride of elements in the window ceil_mode: when ``True``, will use ceil instead of floor to compute the output shape """ assert isinstance(in_type.gspace, GSpace) assert in_type.gspace.dimensionality == 2 super(NormMaxPool, self).__init__() = in_type.gspace self.in_type = in_type self.out_type = in_type if isinstance(kernel_size, int): self.kernel_size = (kernel_size, kernel_size) else: self.kernel_size = kernel_size if isinstance(stride, int): self.stride = (stride, stride) elif stride is None: self.stride = self.kernel_size else: self.stride = stride if isinstance(padding, int): self.padding = (padding, padding) else: self.padding = padding if isinstance(dilation, int): self.dilation = (dilation, dilation) else: self.dilation = dilation self.ceil_mode = ceil_mode self._nfields = None # group fields by their size and # - check if fields of the same size are contiguous # - retrieve the indices of the fields # number of fields of each size self._nfields = defaultdict(int) # indices of the channales corresponding to fields belonging to each group _indices = defaultdict(lambda: []) # whether each group of fields is contiguous or not self._contiguous = {} position = 0 last_size = None for i, r in enumerate(self.in_type.representations): if r.size != last_size: if not r.size in self._contiguous: self._contiguous[r.size] = True else: self._contiguous[r.size] = False last_size = r.size _indices[r.size] += list(range(position, position + r.size)) self._nfields[r.size] += 1 position += r.size for s, contiguous in self._contiguous.items(): if contiguous: # for contiguous fields, only the first and last indices are kept _indices[s] = torch.LongTensor([min(_indices[s]), max(_indices[s])+1]) else: # otherwise, transform the list of indices into a tensor _indices[s] = torch.LongTensor(_indices[s]) # register the indices tensors as parameters of this module self.register_buffer('indices_{}'.format(s), _indices[s])
[docs] def forward(self, input: GeometricTensor) -> GeometricTensor: r""" Run the norm-based max-pooling on the input tensor Args: input (GeometricTensor): the input feature map Returns: the resulting feature map """ assert input.type == self.in_type b, c, hi, wi = input.tensor.shape # compute the output shape (see 'torch.nn.MaxPool2D') b, c, ho, wo = self.evaluate_output_shape(input.tensor.shape) # compute the squares of the values of each channel # n = torch.mul(, n = input.tensor ** 2 # pre-allocate the output tensor output = torch.empty(b, c, ho, wo, device=input.tensor.device) # reshape the input to merge the spatial dimensions input = input.tensor.reshape(b, c, -1) # iterate through all field sizes for s, contiguous in self._contiguous.items(): indices = getattr(self, f"indices_{s}") if contiguous: # if the fields were contiguous, we can use slicing # compute the norms norms = n[:, indices[0]:indices[1], :, :]\ .view(b, -1, s, hi, wi)\ .sum(dim=2)\ .sqrt() # run max-pooling on the norms-tensor _, indx = F.max_pool2d(norms, self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, self.ceil_mode, return_indices=True) # in order to use the pooling indices computed for the norms to retrieve the fields, they need to be # expanded in the inner field dimension indx = indx.view(b, -1, 1, ho * wo).expand(-1, -1, s, -1) # retrieve the fields from the input tensor using the pooling indeces output[:, indices[0]:indices[1], :, :] = input[:, indices[0]:indices[1], :]\ .view(b, -1, s, hi*wi)\ .gather(3, indx)\ .view(b, -1, ho, wo) else: # otherwise we have to use indexing # compute the norms norms = n[:, indices, :, :] \ .view(b, -1, s, hi, wi) \ .sum(dim=2) \ .sqrt() # run max-pooling on the norms-tensor _, indx = F.max_pool2d(norms, self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, self.ceil_mode, return_indices=True) # in order to use the pooling indices computed for the norms to retrieve the fields, they need to be # expanded in the inner field dimension indx = indx.view(b, -1, 1, ho * wo).expand(-1, -1, s, -1) # retrieve the fields from the input tensor using the pooling indeces output[:, indices, :, :] = input[:, indices, :] \ .view(b, -1, s, hi * wi) \ .gather(3, indx) \ .view(b, -1, ho, wo) # wrap the result in a GeometricTensor return GeometricTensor(output, self.out_type, coords=None)
def evaluate_output_shape(self, input_shape: Tuple[int, int, int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: assert len(input_shape) == 4 assert input_shape[1] == self.in_type.size b, c, hi, wi = input_shape # compute the output shape (see 'torch.nn.MaxPool2D') ho = math.floor( (hi + 2 * self.padding[0] - self.dilation[0] * (self.kernel_size[0] - 1) - 1) / self.stride[0] + 1) wo = math.floor( (wi + 2 * self.padding[1] - self.dilation[1] * (self.kernel_size[1] - 1) - 1) / self.stride[1] + 1) return b, self.out_type.size, ho, wo def check_equivariance(self, atol: float = 1e-6, rtol: float = 1e-5) -> List[Tuple[Any, float]]: # this kind of pooling is not really equivariant so we can not test equivariance pass