Source code for escnn.nn.modules.pooling.pointwise_adaptive_max

from escnn.gspaces import *
from escnn.nn import FieldType
from escnn.nn import GeometricTensor

from ..equivariant_module import EquivariantModule

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from typing import List, Tuple, Any, Union

__all__ = [
    "PointwiseAdaptiveMaxPool2D", "PointwiseAdaptiveMaxPool",

class _PointwiseAdaptiveMaxPoolND(EquivariantModule):
    def __init__(self,
                 in_type: FieldType,
                 d: int,
                 output_size: Union[int, Tuple]

        Module that implements adaptive channel-wise max-pooling: each channel is treated independently.
        This module works exactly as :class:`torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2D` or :class:`torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool3D`,
        wrapping it in the :class:`~escnn.nn.EquivariantModule` interface.
        Notice that not all representations support this kind of pooling. In general, only representations which support
        pointwise non-linearities do.

        .. warning ::
            Even if the input tensor has a `coords` attribute, the output of this module will not have one.
            in_type (FieldType): the input field type
            d (int): dimensionality of the base space (2 for images, 3 for volumes)
            output_size: the target output size


        assert d in [2, 3], f"Only dimensionality 2 or 3 are currently suported by 'd={d}' found"

        assert isinstance(in_type.gspace, GSpace)
        assert in_type.gspace.dimensionality == d, (in_type.gspace.dimensionality, d)

        for r in in_type.representations:
            assert 'pointwise' in r.supported_nonlinearities, \
                f"""Error! Representation "{r}" does not support pointwise non-linearities
                so it is not possible to pool each channel independently"""
        super(_PointwiseAdaptiveMaxPoolND, self).__init__()

        self.d = d = in_type.gspace
        self.in_type = in_type
        self.out_type = in_type

        if isinstance(output_size, int):
            self.output_size = (output_size,) * self.d
            self.output_size = output_size

        assert isinstance(self.output_size, tuple) and len(self.output_size) == self.d, self.output_size

    def forward(self, input: GeometricTensor) -> GeometricTensor:
            input (GeometricTensor): the input feature map

            the resulting feature map
        assert input.type == self.in_type
        # run the common max-pooling
        if self.d == 2:
            output = F.adaptive_max_pool2d(input.tensor, self.output_size)
        elif self.d == 3:
            output = F.adaptive_max_pool3d(input.tensor, self.output_size)
            raise NotImplementedError

        # wrap the result in a GeometricTensor
        return GeometricTensor(output, self.out_type, coords=None)

    def evaluate_output_shape(self, input_shape: Tuple) -> Tuple:
        assert len(input_shape) == 2 + self.d
        assert input_shape[1] == self.in_type.size
        return (input_shape[0], self.out_type.size, *self.output_size)

    def check_equivariance(self, atol: float = 1e-6, rtol: float = 1e-5) -> List[Tuple[Any, float]]:
        # this kind of pooling is not really equivariant so we can not test equivariance

    def export(self):
        Export this module to a normal PyTorch :class:`torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d` or
        :class:`torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool3d` module and set to "eval" mode.


        if self.d == 2:
            return torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d(self.output_size).eval()
        elif self.d == 3:
            return torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool3d(self.output_size).eval()
            raise NotImplementedError

[docs]class PointwiseAdaptiveMaxPool2D(_PointwiseAdaptiveMaxPoolND): def __init__(self, in_type: FieldType, output_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] ): r""" Module that implements adaptive channel-wise max-pooling: each channel is treated independently. This module works exactly as :class:`torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2D`, wrapping it in the :class:`~escnn.nn.EquivariantModule` interface. Notice that not all representations support this kind of pooling. In general, only representations which support pointwise non-linearities do. .. warning :: Even if the input tensor has a `coords` attribute, the output of this module will not have one. Args: in_type (FieldType): the input field type output_size: the target output size of the image of the form H x W """ assert isinstance(in_type.gspace, GSpace) assert in_type.gspace.dimensionality == 2 super(PointwiseAdaptiveMaxPool2D, self).__init__( in_type, 2, output_size )
[docs]class PointwiseAdaptiveMaxPool3D(_PointwiseAdaptiveMaxPoolND): def __init__(self, in_type: FieldType, output_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] ): r""" Module that implements adaptive channel-wise max-pooling: each channel is treated independently. This module works exactly as :class:`torch.nn.AdaptiveMaxPool3D`, wrapping it in the :class:`~escnn.nn.EquivariantModule` interface. Notice that not all representations support this kind of pooling. In general, only representations which support pointwise non-linearities do. .. warning :: Even if the input tensor has a `coords` attribute, the output of this module will not have one. Args: in_type (FieldType): the input field type output_size: the target output size of the image of the form H x W """ assert isinstance(in_type.gspace, GSpace) assert in_type.gspace.dimensionality == 3 super(PointwiseAdaptiveMaxPool3D, self).__init__( in_type, 3, output_size )
# for backward compatibility PointwiseAdaptiveMaxPool = PointwiseAdaptiveMaxPool2D