psi(theta, k=1, gamma=0.0)[source]

Rotation matrix corresponding to the angle \(k \theta + \gamma\).


The orthonormal matrix associated to the reflection along the \(y\) axis if s=1, the identity otherwise.

psichi(theta, s, k=1, gamma=0.0)[source]

Rotation matrix corresponding to the angle \(k \theta + \gamma\) if s=0. Otherwise, it corresponds to the reflection along the axis defined by that angle.

It is equal to:

psi(theta, k, gamma) @ chi(s)
cycle_isclose(a, b, S, rtol=1e-09, atol=1e-11)[source]

Cyclic “isclose” check.

Checks if the numbers a and b are close to each other in a cycle of length S, i.e. if a - b is close to a multiple of S.