Source code for e2cnn.diffops.basis

from dataclasses import dataclass
import itertools
from e2cnn.kernels.basis import EmptyBasisException
import numpy as np
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Type, Union, Tuple

from e2cnn.kernels import Basis
from import SO2, Representation
# we need SteerableDiffopBasis, but importing that directly
# leads to cyclic imports because it also relies on this file.
# So we just import the diffops module instead
import e2cnn.diffops as diffops
from .utils import discretize_homogeneous_polynomial, multiply_polynomials, laplacian_power, display_diffop, transform_polynomial

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class DiscretizationArgs: r"""Parameters specifying a discretization procedure for PDOs. Attributes: ~.method (str, optional): the discretization method to use, either ``"rbffd"``, ``"fd"`` or ``"gauss"``. ~.smoothing (float, optional): ``smoothing`` is the standard deviation of the Gaussian used for discretization. Must be set if ``method="gauss"``, has no effect otherwise. ~.angle_offset (float, optional): if not ``None``, rotate the PDOs by this many radians. ~.phi (str, optional): which RBF to use (only relevant for RBF-FD). Can be any of the abbreviations `here <>`_. """ method: str = "fd" smoothing: Optional[float] = None angle_offset: Optional[float] = None phi: str = "ga"
[docs]class DiffopBasis(Basis): def __init__(self, coefficients: List[np.ndarray], discretization: DiscretizationArgs = DiscretizationArgs(), ): r""" Abstract class for implementing the basis of a space of differential operators. Such a space consists of :math:`c_\text{out} \times c_\text{in}` matrices with partial differential operators as entries. Args: coefficients (list): a list of ndarrays. Each array describes one element of the basis and has shape ``(c_out, c_in, n + 1)``, where ``n`` is the derivative order of the entries of the matrix. PDOs are encoded as the coefficients of :math:`\frac{\partial^n}{\partial x^n}`, :math:`\frac{\partial^n}{\partial x^{n - 1}\partial y}`, ..., :math:`\frac{\partial^n}{\partial y^n}`. discretization (optional): additional parameters specifying parameters for the discretization procedure. See :class:`~e2cnn.diffops.DiscretizationArgs`. Attributes: ~.coefficients (list): an analytical description of the PDO basis elements, see above ~.dim (int): the dimensionality of the basis :math:`|\mathcal{K}|` (number of elements) ~.shape (tuple): a tuple containing :math:`c_\text{out}` and :math:`c_\text{in}` ~.maximum_order (int): the largest derivative order occuring in the basis """ dim = len(coefficients) if dim == 0: raise EmptyBasisException shape = coefficients[0].shape[:2] self.disc = discretization self.maximum_order = 0 for element in coefficients: assert element.shape[:2] == shape assert len(element.shape) == 3 # we sometimes get very small coefficients (on the order of 1e-17) # through rounding errors, those should be 0 # this is important to get the derivative orders right for basis filters element[np.abs(element) < 1e-8] = 0 # We want to know the maximum order that appears in this basis. # The last axis contains the actual derivative, and has length order + 1 self.maximum_order = max(self.maximum_order, element.shape[-1] - 1) self.coefficients = coefficients super().__init__(dim, shape)
[docs] def sample(self, points: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Discretize the basis on a set of points. See :meth:`~e2cnn.diffops.DiffopBasis.sampled_masked` for details. """ return self.sample_masked(points)
[docs] def sample_masked(self, points: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray = None, ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Discretize the basis on a set of points. Args: points (ndarray): a `2 x N` array with `N` points on which to discretize. If FD is used (default), this has to be a flattened version of a regular sorted grid (like you would get using np.meshgrid on ranges). mask (ndarray, optional): Boolean array of shape (dim, ), where ``dim`` is the number of basis elements. True for elements to discretize and False for elements to discard. Returns: ndarray of with shape `(C_out, C_in, num_basis_elements, n_in)`, where `num_basis_elements` are the number of elements after applying the mask, and `n_in` is the number of points. """ if mask is None: # if no mask is given, we use all basis elements mask = np.array([True] * self.dim) assert isinstance(mask, np.ndarray) assert mask.shape == (self.dim, ) if self.disc.angle_offset is not None: so2 = SO2(1) # rotation matrix by angle_offset matrix = so2.irrep(1)(self.disc.angle_offset) # we transform the polynomial with the matrix coefficients = (transform_polynomial(element, matrix) for element in self.coefficients) else: coefficients = self.coefficients coefficients = (coeff for coeff, m in zip(coefficients, mask) if m) assert isinstance(points, np.ndarray) assert len(points.shape) == 2 assert points.shape[0] == 2 num_points = points.shape[1] basis = np.empty((np.sum(mask), ) + self.shape + (num_points, )) for k, element in enumerate(coefficients): for i in range(self.shape[0]): for j in range(self.shape[1]): basis[k, i, j] = discretize_homogeneous_polynomial( points, element[i, j], self.disc.smoothing, phi=self.disc.phi, method=self.disc.method, ) # Finally, we move the len_basis axis to the third position basis = basis.transpose(1, 2, 0, 3) return basis
[docs] def pretty_print(self) -> str: """Return a human-readable representation of all basis elements.""" out = "" for element in self.coefficients: out += display_matrix(element) out += "\n----------------------------------\n" return out
[docs]class LaplaceProfile(DiffopBasis): def __init__(self, max_power: int, discretization: DiscretizationArgs = DiscretizationArgs()): r""" Basis for rotationally invariant PDOs. Each basis element is defined as a power of a Laplacian. In order to build a complete basis of PDOs, you should combine this basis with a basis which defines the angular profile through :class:`~e2cnn.diffops.TensorBasis`. Args: max_power (int): the maximum power of the Laplace operator that will be used. The maximum degree (as a differential operator) will be two times this maximum power. discretization (DiscretizationArgs, optional): additional parameters specifying parameters for the discretization procedure. See :class:`~e2cnn.diffops.DiscretizationArgs`. """ assert isinstance(max_power, int) assert max_power >= 0 coefficients = [ laplacian_power(k).reshape(1, 1, -1) for k in range(max_power + 1) ] super().__init__(coefficients, discretization) self.max_power = max_power def __getitem__(self, r): assert r < self.dim return {"power": r, "order": 2 * r, "idx": r} def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, LaplaceProfile): return self.max_power == other.max_power else: return False def __hash__(self): return hash(self.max_power)
[docs]class TensorBasis(DiffopBasis): def __init__(self, irreps_basis: Type[DiffopBasis], in_repr: Representation, out_repr: Representation, max_power: int, discretization: DiscretizationArgs = DiscretizationArgs(), **kwargs ): r""" Build the tensor product basis of two PDO bases over the plane. Given two bases :math:`A = \{a_i\}_i` and :math:`B = \{b_j\}_j`, this basis is defined as .. math:: C = A \otimes B = \left\{ c_{i,j} := a_i \circ b_j \right\}_{i,j}. The arguments are passed on to :class:`~e2cnn.diffops.SteerableDiffopBasis` and :class:`~e2cnn.diffops.LaplaceProfile`, see their documentation. Attributes: ~.basis1 (SteerableDiffopBasis): the first basis ~.basis2 (LaplaceProfile): the second basis """ basis1 = diffops.SteerableDiffopBasis( irreps_basis, in_repr, out_repr, discretization, **kwargs ) basis2 = LaplaceProfile(max_power, discretization) coefficients = [] for a, b in itertools.product(basis1.coefficients, basis2.coefficients): order = a.shape[2] + b.shape[2] - 2 out = np.empty((a.shape[0], b.shape[0], a.shape[1], b.shape[1], order + 1)) for i, j, k, l in itertools.product(range(a.shape[0]), range(b.shape[0]), range(a.shape[1]), range(b.shape[1])): out[i, j, k, l] = multiply_polynomials(a[i, k], b[j, l]) out = out.reshape(a.shape[0] * b.shape[0], a.shape[1] * b.shape[1], order + 1) coefficients.append(out) super().__init__(coefficients, discretization) self.basis1 = basis1 self.basis2 = basis2 def __getitem__(self, idx): assert idx < self.dim idx1, idx2 = divmod(idx, self.basis2.dim) attr1 = self.basis1[idx1] attr2 = self.basis2[idx2] attr = dict() attr.update(attr1) attr.update(attr2) attr["order"] = attr1["order"] + attr2["order"] attr["idx"] = idx attr["idx1"] = idx1 attr["idx2"] = idx2 return attr def __iter__(self): idx = 0 for attr1 in self.basis1: for attr2 in self.basis2: attr = dict() attr.update(attr1) attr.update(attr2) attr["order"] = attr1["order"] + attr2["order"] attr["idx"] = idx attr["idx1"] = attr1["idx"] attr["idx2"] = attr2["idx"] yield attr idx += 1 def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, TensorBasis): return self.basis1 == other.basis1 and self.basis2 == other.basis2 else: return False def __hash__(self): return hash(self.basis1) + hash(self.basis2)
def display_matrix(element): out = "" for i in range(element.shape[0]): for j in range(element.shape[1]): out += display_diffop(element[i, j]) + "\t" out += "\n" return out