Source code for e2cnn.kernels.basis

import numpy as np
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List, Union, Tuple

[docs]class EmptyBasisException(Exception): def __init__(self): r""" Exception raised when a :class:`~e2cnn.kernels.Basis` with no elements is built. """ message = "The Basis you tried to instantiate is empty (dim = 0). You should catch this exception." super(EmptyBasisException, self).__init__(message)
[docs]class Basis(ABC): def __init__(self, dim: int, shape: Tuple[int, int]): r""" Abstract class for implementing the basis of a space of maps between feature spaces (either kernels or PDOs). .. seealso :: :class:`e2cnn.kernels.KernelBasis` and :class:`e2cnn.diffops.DiffopBasis` Args: dim (int): the dimensionality of the basis (number of elements) shape (tuple): a tuple containing :math:`c_\text{out}` and :math:`c_\text{in}` Attributes: ~.dim (int): the dimensionality of the basis (number of elements) ~.shape (tuple): a tuple containing :math:`c_\text{out}` and :math:`c_\text{in}` """ assert isinstance(dim, int) assert isinstance(shape, tuple) and len(shape) == 2 assert dim >= 0 if dim == 0: raise EmptyBasisException() self.dim = dim self.shape = shape def __len__(self): return self.dim def __iter__(self): for i in range(self.dim): yield self[i] @abstractmethod def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> dict: pass @abstractmethod def __hash__(self): pass
[docs]class KernelBasis(Basis): def __init__(self, dim: int, shape: Tuple[int, int]): r""" Abstract class for implementing the basis of a kernel space. A kernel space is the space of functions in the form: .. math:: \mathcal{K} := \{ \kappa: X \to \mathbb{R}^{c_\text{out} \times c_\text{in}} \} where :math:`X` is the base space on which the kernel is defined. For instance, for planar images :math:`X = \R^2`. Args: dim (int): the dimensionality of the basis :math:`|\mathcal{K}|` (number of elements) shape (tuple): a tuple containing :math:`c_\text{out}` and :math:`c_\text{in}` Attributes: ~.dim (int): the dimensionality of the basis :math:`|\mathcal{K}|` (number of elements) ~.shape (tuple): a tuple containing :math:`c_\text{out}` and :math:`c_\text{in}` """ super().__init__(dim, shape)
[docs] @abstractmethod def sample(self, points: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray: r""" Sample the continuous basis elements on discrete points in ``points``. Optionally, store the resulting multidimentional array in ``out``. ``points`` must be an array of shape `(D, N)`, where `D` is the dimensionality of the (parametrization of the) base space while `N` is the number of points. Args: points (~numpy.ndarray): points where to evaluate the basis elements out (~numpy.ndarray, optional): pre-existing array to use to store the output Returns: the sampled basis """ pass
[docs] def sample_masked(self, points: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray: r""" Mask the basis sampled through :meth:`~e2cnn.kernels.KernelBasis.sample` to drop some basis elements using the input ```mask```. ```mask``` must be a ```np.uint8``` array of shape ```(len(self), )```. Args: points (~numpy.ndarray): points where to evaluate the basis elements mask (~numpy.ndarray): binary array to mask the basis out (~numpy.ndarray, optional): pre-existing array to use to store the output Returns: the sampled basis """ assert mask.shape == (self.dim, ) assert mask.dtype == bool basis = self.sample(points) if out is not None: out[:] = basis[..., mask, :] else: out = basis[..., mask, :] return out
[docs]class GaussianRadialProfile(KernelBasis): def __init__(self, radii: List[float], sigma: Union[List[float], float]): r""" Basis for kernels defined over a radius in :math:`\R^+_0`. Each basis element is defined as a Gaussian function. Different basis elements are centered at different radii (``rings``) and can possibly be associated with different widths (``sigma``). More precisely, the following basis is implemented: .. math:: \mathcal{B} = \left\{ b_i (r) := \exp \left( \frac{ \left( r - r_i \right)^2}{2 \sigma_i^2} \right) \right\}_i In order to build a complete basis of kernels, you should combine this basis with a basis which defines the angular profile through :class:`~e2cnn.kernels.PolarBasis`. Args: radii (list): centers of each basis element. They should be different and spread to cover all domain of interest sigma (list or float): widths of each element. Can potentially be different. """ if isinstance(sigma, float): sigma = [sigma]*len(radii) assert len(radii) == len(sigma) assert isinstance(radii, list) for r in radii: assert r >= 0. for s in sigma: assert s > 0. super(GaussianRadialProfile, self).__init__(len(radii), (1, 1)) self.radii = np.array(radii).reshape(1, 1, -1, 1) self.sigma = np.array(sigma).reshape(1, 1, -1, 1)
[docs] def sample(self, radii: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray: r""" Sample the continuous basis elements on the discrete set of radii in ``radii``. Optionally, store the resulting multidimentional array in ``out``. ``radii`` must be an array of shape `(1, N)`, where `N` is the number of points. Args: radii (~numpy.ndarray): radii where to evaluate the basis elements out (~numpy.ndarray, optional): pre-existing array to use to store the output Returns: the sampled basis """ assert len(radii.shape) == 2 assert radii.shape[0] == 1 if out is None: out = np.empty((self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.dim, radii.shape[1])) assert out.shape == (self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.dim, radii.shape[1]) radii = radii.reshape(1, 1, 1, -1) d = (self.radii - radii)**2 out = np.exp(-0.5*d/self.sigma**2, out=out) return out
def __getitem__(self, r): assert r < self.dim return {"radius": self.radii[0, 0, r, 0], "sigma": self.sigma[0, 0, r, 0], "idx": r} def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, GaussianRadialProfile): return np.allclose(self.radii, other.radii) and np.allclose(self.sigma, other.sigma) else: return False def __hash__(self): return hash(self.radii.tobytes()) + hash(self.sigma.tobytes())
[docs]class PolarBasis(KernelBasis): def __init__(self, radial: KernelBasis, angular: KernelBasis): r""" Build the tensor product basis of a radial profile basis and an angular profile basis for kernels over the plane. Given two bases :math:`A = \{a_i\}_i` and :math:`B = \{b_j\}_j`, this basis is defined as .. math:: C = A \otimes B = \left\{ c_{i,j}(x, y) := a_i(r) b_j(\phi) \right\}_{i,j} where :math:`(r, \phi)` is the polar coordinates of the points :math:`(x, y)` on the plane. Args: radial (KernelBasis): the radial basis angular (KernelBasis): the angular basis Attributes: ~.radial (KernelBasis): the radial basis ~.angular (KernelBasis): the angular basis """ super(PolarBasis, self).__init__(radial.dim * angular.dim, (radial.shape[0] * angular.shape[0], radial.shape[1] * angular.shape[1])) self.radial = radial self.angular = angular
[docs] def sample(self, points: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray: r""" Sample the continuous basis elements on a discrete set of ``points`` on the plane. Optionally, store the resulting multidimensional array in ``out``. ``points`` must be an array of shape `(2, N)` containing `N` points on the plane. Note that the points are specified in cartesian coordinates :math:`(x, y)`. Args: points (~numpy.ndarray): points on the plane where to evaluate the basis elements out (~numpy.ndarray, optional): pre-existing array to use to store the output Returns: the sampled basis """ assert len(points.shape) == 2 assert points.shape[0] == 2 # computes the polar coordinates radii = np.sqrt((points**2).sum(0)).reshape(1, -1) angles = np.arctan2(points[1, :], points[0, :]).reshape(1, -1) # the angle at the origin is not well defined angles[radii < 1e-9] = np.nan if out is None: out = np.empty((self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.dim, points.shape[1])) assert out.shape == (self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.dim, points.shape[1]) # sample the radial and the angular basis o1 = self.radial.sample(radii) o2 = self.angular.sample(angles) m, n, a, p = o1.shape q, r, b, p = o2.shape # build the tensor product out = out.reshape((m, q, n, r, a, b, p)) out = np.einsum("mnap,qrbp->mqnrabp", o1, o2, out=out) return out.reshape((q*m, n*r, self.dim, p))
def __getitem__(self, idx): assert idx < self.dim idx1, idx2 = divmod(idx, self.angular.dim) attr1 = self.radial[idx1] attr2 = self.angular[idx2] attr = dict() # attr.update({"radial_"+k: v for k, v in attr1.items()}) # attr.update({"angular_"+k: v for k, v in attr2.items()}) attr.update(attr1) attr.update(attr2) attr["idx"] = idx attr["idx1"] = idx1 attr["idx2"] = idx2 return attr def __iter__(self): idx = 0 for attr1 in self.radial: for attr2 in self.angular: attr = dict() attr.update(attr1) attr.update(attr2) attr["idx"] = idx attr["idx1"] = attr1["idx"] attr["idx2"] = attr2["idx"] yield attr idx += 1 def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, PolarBasis): return self.radial == other.radial and self.angular == other.angular else: return False def __hash__(self): return hash(self.radial) + hash(self.angular)