Source code for e2cnn.nn.geometric_tensor

import torch

from torch import Tensor

from .field_type import FieldType

from typing import List, Union

import itertools
from import Iterable

__all__ = ["GeometricTensor", "tensor_directsum"]

[docs]class GeometricTensor: def __init__(self, tensor: Tensor, type: FieldType): r""" A GeometricTensor can be interpreted as a *typed* tensor. It is wrapping a common :class:`torch.Tensor` and endows it with a (compatible) :class:`~e2cnn.nn.FieldType` as *transformation law*. The :class:`~e2cnn.nn.FieldType` describes the action of a group :math:`G` on the tensor. This action includes both a transformation of the base space and a transformation of the channels according to a :math:`G`-representation :math:`\rho`. All *e2cnn* neural network operations have :class:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor` s as inputs and outputs. They perform a dynamic typechecking, ensuring that the transformation laws of the data and the operation match. See also :class:`~e2cnn.nn.EquivariantModule`. As usual, the first dimension of the tensor is interpreted as the batch dimension. The second is the fiber (or channel) dimension, which is associated with a group representation by the field type. The following dimensions are the spatial dimensions (like in a conventional CNN). The operations of **addition** and **scalar multiplication** are supported. For example:: gs = e2cnn.gspaces.Rot2dOnR2(8) type = e2cnn.nn.FieldType(gs, [gs.regular_repr]*3) t1 = e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor(torch.randn(1, 24, 3, 3), type) t2 = e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor(torch.randn(1, 24, 3, 3), type) # addition t3 = t1 + t2 # scalar product t3 = t1 * 3. # scalar product also supports tensors containing only one scalar t3 = t1 * torch.tensor(3.) # inplace operations are also supported t1 += t2 t2 *= 3. .. warning :: The multiplication of a PyTorch tensor containing only a scalar with a GeometricTensor is only supported when using PyTorch 1.4 or higher (see this `issue <>`_ ) A GeometricTensor supports **slicing** in a similar way to PyTorch's :class:`torch.Tensor`. More precisely, slicing along the batch (1st) and the spatial (3rd, 4th, ...) dimensions works as usual. However, slicing the fiber (2nd) dimension would break equivariance when splitting channels belonging to the same field. To prevent this, slicing on the second dimension is defined over *fields* instead of channels. .. warning :: GeometricTensor only supports basic *slicing* but it does **not** support *advanced indexing* (see NumPy's documentation about `indexing <>`_ for more details). Moreover, in contrast to NumPy and PyTorch, an index containing a single integer value **does not** reduce the dimensionality of the tensor. In this way, the resulting tensor can always be interpreted as a GeometricTensor. We give few examples to illustrate this behavior:: # Example of GeometricTensor slicing space = e2cnn.gspaces.Rot2dOnR2(4) type = e2cnn.nn.FieldType(space, [ # field type # index # size space.regular_repr, # 0 # 4 space.regular_repr, # 1 # 4 space.irrep(1), # 2 # 2 space.irrep(1), # 3 # 2 space.trivial_repr, # 4 # 1 space.trivial_repr, # 5 # 1 space.trivial_repr, # 6 # 1 ]) # sum = 15 # this FieldType contains 8 fields len(type) >> 7 # the size of this FieldType is equal to the sum of the sizes of each of its fields type.size >> 15 geom_tensor = e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor(torch.randn(10, type.size, 9, 9), type) geom_tensor.shape >> torch.Size([10, 15, 9, 9]) geom_tensor[1:3, :, 2:5, 2:5].shape >> torch.Size([2, 15, 3, 3]) geom_tensor[..., 2:5].shape >> torch.Size([10, 15, 9, 3]) # the tensor contains the fields 1:4, i.e 1, 2 and 3 # these fields have size, respectively, 4, 2 and 2 # so the resulting tensor has 8 channels geom_tensor[:, 1:4, ...].shape >> torch.Size([10, 8, 9, 9]) # the tensor contains the fields 0:6:2, i.e 0, 2 and 4 # these fields have size, respectively, 4, 2 and 1 # so the resulting tensor has 7 channels geom_tensor[:, 0:6:2].shape >> torch.Size([10, 7, 9, 9]) # the tensor contains only the field 2, which has size 2 # note, also, that even though a single index is used for the batch dimension, the resulting tensor # still has 4 dimensions geom_tensor[3, 2].shape >> torch.Size(1, 2, 9, 9) .. warning :: *Slicing* over the fiber (2nd) dimension with ``step > 1`` or with a negative step is converted into *indexing* over the channels. This means that, in these cases, slicing behaves like *advanced indexing* in PyTorch and NumPy **returning a copy instead of a view**. For more details, see the *note* `here <>`_ and *NumPy*'s `docs <>`_ . .. note :: Slicing is not supported for setting values inside the tensor (i.e. :meth:`~object.__setitem__` is not implemented). Indeed, depending on the values which are assigned, this operation can break the symmetry of the tensor which may not transform anymore according to its transformation law (specified by ``type``). In case this feature is necessary, one can directly access the underlying :class:`torch.Tensor`, e.g. ``geom_tensor.tensor[:3, :, 2:5, 2:5] = torch.randn(3, 4, 3, 3)``, although this is not recommended. Args: tensor (torch.Tensor): the tensor data type (FieldType): the type of the tensor, modeling its transformation law Attributes: ~.tensor (torch.Tensor) ~.type (FieldType) """ assert isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor) assert isinstance(type, FieldType) assert len(tensor.shape) >= 2 assert tensor.shape[1] == type.size, \ f"Error! The size of the tensor {tensor.shape} does not match the size of the field type {type.size}." # torch.Tensor: PyTorch tensor containing the data self.tensor = tensor # FieldType: field type of the signal self.type = type
[docs] def restrict(self, id) -> 'GeometricTensor': r""" Restrict the field type of this tensor. The method returns a new :class:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor` whose :attr:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor.type` is equal to this tensor's :attr:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor.type` restricted to a subgroup :math:`H<G` (see :meth:`e2cnn.nn.FieldType.restrict`). The restricted :attr:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor.type` is associated with the restricted representation :math:`\Res{H}{G}\rho` of the :math:`G`-representation :math:`\rho` associated to this tensor's :attr:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor.type`. The input ``id`` specifies the subgroup :math:`H < G`. Notice that the underlying :attr:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor.tensor` instance will be shared between the current tensor and the returned one. .. warning :: The method builds the new representation on the fly; hence, if this operation is needed at run time, we suggest to use :class:`e2cnn.nn.RestrictionModule` which pre-computes the new representation offline. .. seealso :: Check the documentation of the :meth:`~e2cnn.gspaces.GSpace.restrict` method in the :class:`~e2cnn.gspaces.GSpace` instance used for a description of the parameter ``id``. Args: id: the id identifying the subgroup :math:`H` the representations are restricted to Returns: the geometric tensor with the restricted representations """ new_class = self.type.restrict(id) return GeometricTensor(self.tensor, new_class)
[docs] def split(self, breaks: List[int]): r""" Split this tensor on the channel dimension in a list of smaller tensors. The original tensor is split at the *fields* specified by the index list ``breaks``. If the tensor is associated with the list of fields :math:`\{\rho_i\}_{i=0}^{L-1}` (where :math:`L` equals `len(self.type)`; see also :attr:`e2cnn.nn.FieldType.representations`), the :math:`j`-th output tensor (:math:`j>0`) will contain the fields :math:`\rho_{\text{breaks}[j-1]}, \dots, \rho_{\text{breaks}[j]-1}` of the original tensor. The :math:`j=0`-th tensor contains the fields :math:`\rho_{0}, \dots, \rho_{\text{breaks}[0]-1}` while the last tensor (:math:`j = len(breaks)`) contains the last fields :math:`\rho_{\text{breaks}[-1]}, \dots, \rho_{L-1}`. .. note :: `breaks` must be *sorted* list of integers greater than `0` and smaller than `len(self.type) - 1`. If `breaks = None`, the tensor is split at each field. This is equivalent to using `breaks = list(range(1, len(self.type)))`. Example :: space = e2cnn.gspaces.Rot2dOnR2(4) type = e2cnn.nn.FieldType(space, [ space.regular_repr, # size = 4 space.regular_repr, # size = 4 space.irrep(1), # size = 2 space.irrep(1), # size = 2 space.trivial_repr, # size = 1 space.trivial_repr, # size = 1 space.trivial_repr, # size = 1 ]) # sum = 15 type.size >> 15 geom_tensor = e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor(torch.randn(10, type.size, 7, 7), type) geom_tensor.shape >> torch.Size([10, 15, 7, 7]) # split the tensor in 3 parts len(geom_tensor.split([4, 6])) >> 3 # the first contains # - the first 2 regular fields (2*4 = 8 channels) # - 2 vector fields (irrep(1)) (2*2 = 4 channels) # and, therefore, contains 12 channels geom_tensor.split([4, 6])[0].shape >> torch.Size([10, 12, 7, 7]) # the second contains only 2 scalar (trivial) fields (2*1 = 2 channels) geom_tensor.split([4, 6])[1].shape >> torch.Size([10, 2, 7, 7]) # the last contains only 1 scalar (trivial) field (1*1 = 1 channels) geom_tensor.split([4, 6])[2].shape >> torch.Size([10, 1, 7, 7]) Args: breaks (list): indices of the fields where to split the tensor Returns: list of :class:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor` s into which the original tensor is chunked """ if breaks is None: breaks = list(range(1, len(self.type))) breaks.append(len(self.type)) # final list of tensors tensors = [] # list containing the index of the channels separating consecutive fields in this tensor positions = [] last = 0 for repr in self.type.representations: positions.append(last) last += repr.size positions.append(last) last_field = 0 # for each break point for b in breaks: assert b > last_field, 'Error! "breaks" must be an increasing list of positive indexes' # compute the sub-class of the new sub-tensor repr = FieldType(self.type.gspace, self.type.representations[last_field:b]) # retrieve the sub-tensor data = self.tensor[:, positions[last_field]:positions[b], ...] tensors.append(GeometricTensor(data, repr)) last_field = b return tensors
[docs] def transform(self, element) -> 'GeometricTensor': r""" Transform the current tensor according to the group representation associated to the input element and its induced action on the base space .. warning :: The input tensor is detached before the transformation therefore no gradient is backpropagated through this operation See :meth:`e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor.transform_fibers` to transform only the fibers, i.e. not transform the base space. Args: element: an element of the group of symmetries of the fiber. Returns: the transformed tensor """ transformed = self.type.transform(self.tensor, element) return GeometricTensor(transformed, self.type)
[docs] def transform_fibers(self, element) -> 'GeometricTensor': r""" Transform the feature vectors of the underlying tensor according to the group representation associated to the input element. Interpreting the tensor as a vector-valued signal :math:`f: X \to \mathbb{R}^c` over a base space :math:`X` (where :math:`c` is the number of channels of the tensor), given the input ``element`` :math:`g \in G` (:math:`G` fiber group) the method returns the new signal :math:`f'`: .. math :: f'(x) := \rho(g) f(x) for :math:`x \in X` point in the base space and :math:`\rho` the representation of :math:`G` in the field type of this tensor. Notice that the input element has to be an element of the fiber group of this tensor's field type. .. seealso :: See :meth:`e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor.transform` to transform the whole tensor. Args: element: an element of the group of symmetries of the fiber. Returns: the transformed tensor """ rho = torch.FloatTensor(self.type.representation(element)) data = torch.einsum("oi,bihw->bohw", (rho, self.tensor.contiguous())).contiguous() return GeometricTensor(data, self.type)
@property def shape(self): r""" Alias for ``self.tensor.shape`` """ return self.tensor.shape
[docs] def size(self): r""" Alias for ``self.tensor.size()`` .. seealso :: :meth:`torch.Tensor.size` """ return self.tensor.size()
[docs] def to(self, *args, **kwargs): r""" Alias for ``*args, **kwargs)``. Applies :meth:`` to the underlying tensor and wraps the resulting tensor in a new :class:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor` with the same type. """ tensor =*args, **kwargs) return GeometricTensor(tensor, self.type)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, slices) -> 'GeometricTensor': r''' A GeometricTensor supports *slicing* in a similar way to PyTorch's :class:`torch.Tensor`. More precisely, slicing along the batch (1st) and the spatial (3rd, 4th, ...) dimensions works as usual. However, slicing along the channel dimension could break equivariance by splitting the channels belonging to the same field. For this reason, slicing on the second dimension is not defined over the channels but over fields. When a continuous (step=1) slice is used over the fields/channels dimension (the 2nd axis), it is converted into a continuous slice over the channels. This is not possible when the step is greater than 1 or negative. In such cases, the slice over the fields needs to be converted into an index over the channels. Moreover, when a single integer is used to index an axis, that axis is not discarded as in PyTorch but is preserved with size 1. Slicing is not supported for setting values inside the tensor (i.e. :meth:`object.__setitem__` is not implemented). ''' # Slicing is not supported on the channel dimension. if isinstance(slices, tuple): if len(slices) > len(self.tensor.shape): raise TypeError( f''' Error! Too many slicing indices for GeometricTensor. At most {len(self.tensor.shape)} indices expected but {len(slices)} indices passed. ''' ) else: slices = (slices,) for i, idx in enumerate(slices): if not (isinstance(idx, slice) or isinstance(idx, int) or idx == Ellipsis): raise TypeError(f''' Error! Advanced Indexing over a GeometricTensor is not supported yet. Currently, only basic slicing is supported. ''') naxes = len(self.tensor.shape) # count the number of indexes passed indexed_axes = 0 for idx in slices: indexed_axes += 1 - (idx == Ellipsis) # number of axes which are missing an index missing_axes = naxes - indexed_axes # expand the first ellipsis with a number of full slices (i.e. [::]) equal to the number # of axes not indexed. Discard all other ellipses expanded_idxs = [] expanded_ellipsis = False for s in slices: if s == Ellipsis: # expand only the first ellipsis if not expanded_ellipsis: expanded_idxs += [slice(None)]*missing_axes expanded_ellipsis = True else: # other indices are preserved expanded_idxs.append(s) # maximum index per dimension idx_max = list(self.tensor.shape) idx_max[1] = len(self.type) # If an index containing a single integer is passed, it is converted into a slice # which starts at that index and ends at the following one. # In this way, when passing a single integer to index a dimension, the resulting tensor will still have that # dimension with size 1 for i in range(len(expanded_idxs)): if isinstance(expanded_idxs[i], int): idx = expanded_idxs[i] if idx < 0: # convert a negative index into a positive index idx = idx_max[i] + idx expanded_idxs[i] = slice(idx, idx+1, 1) if len(expanded_idxs) == 1: # if only the first dimension is indexed, there is no need to do anything # the resulting tensor will have the same type of the original as the indexing does not affect the # channels/fields dimension type = self.type elif isinstance(expanded_idxs[1], slice) and (expanded_idxs[1].step is None or expanded_idxs[1].step == 1): # If the index over the fields is a slice and it is contiguous, we can convert it into a # contiguous slice over the channels. # The slice will start from the first channel of the first field and will stop at the last channel # of the last field start = expanded_idxs[1].start if expanded_idxs[1].start is not None else 0 stop = expanded_idxs[1].stop if expanded_idxs[1].stop is not None else len(self.type) channel_idxs = slice( self.type.fields_start[start], self.type.fields_end[stop-1], 1 ) if start == 0 and stop == len(self.type): # if all the fields are retrieved by this index, the resulting tensor has the same field # types of the original one type = self.type else: # otherwise, only a subset of the fields are preserved type = FieldType(self.type.gspace, self.type.representations[expanded_idxs[1]]) expanded_idxs[1] = channel_idxs else: # If the index over the fields is not a slice or it is not a contiguous slice, we need to convert it # into an index over the channels. We first use the index provided to retrieve the list of fields # and then add the index of their channels in a list of indexes idxs = [] # convert the indices into iterable and retrieve the subset of field representations if isinstance(expanded_idxs[1], slice): fields = range(len(self.type))[expanded_idxs[1]] representations = self.type.representations[expanded_idxs[1]] elif isinstance(expanded_idxs[1], int): fields = [expanded_idxs[1]] representations = self.type.representations[expanded_idxs[1]] elif isinstance(expanded_idxs[1], Iterable): fields = expanded_idxs[1] representations = [self.type.representations[f] for f in fields] else: raise ValueError('Index over the fiber (2nd) dimension not recognized.') # iterate over all fields indexed by the user for field in fields: # append the indexes of the channels in the field idxs.append(list( range( self.type.fields_start[field], self.type.fields_end[field], 1 ) )) # only a subset of the fields are preserved by this index type = FieldType(self.type.gspace, representations) # concatenate all the channel indexes channel_idxs = list(itertools.chain(*idxs)) expanded_idxs[1] = channel_idxs idxs = tuple(expanded_idxs) sliced_tensor = self.tensor[idxs] return GeometricTensor(sliced_tensor, type)
[docs] def __add__(self, other: 'GeometricTensor') -> 'GeometricTensor': r""" Add two compatible :class:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor` using pointwise addition. The two tensors needs to have the same shape and be associated to the same field type. Args: other (GeometricTensor): the other geometric tensor Returns: the sum """ assert self.type == other.type, 'The two geometric tensor must have the same FieldType' return GeometricTensor(self.tensor + other.tensor, self.type)
[docs] def __sub__(self, other: 'GeometricTensor') -> 'GeometricTensor': r""" Subtract two compatible :class:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor` using pointwise subtraction. The two tensors needs to have the same shape and be associated to the same field type. Args: other (GeometricTensor): the other geometric tensor Returns: their difference """ assert self.type == other.type, 'The two geometric tensor must have the same FieldType' return GeometricTensor(self.tensor - other.tensor, self.type)
[docs] def __iadd__(self, other: 'GeometricTensor') -> 'GeometricTensor': r""" Add a compatible :class:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor` to this tensor inplace. The two tensors needs to have the same shape and be associated to the same field type. Args: other (GeometricTensor): the other geometric tensor Returns: this tensor """ assert self.type == other.type, 'The two geometric tensor must have the same FieldType' self.tensor += other.tensor return self
[docs] def __isub__(self, other: 'GeometricTensor') -> 'GeometricTensor': r""" Subtract a compatible :class:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor` to this tensor inplace. The two tensors needs to have the same shape and be associated to the same field type. Args: other (GeometricTensor): the other geometric tensor Returns: this tensor """ assert self.type == other.type, 'The two geometric tensor must have the same FieldType' self.tensor -= other.tensor return self
[docs] def __mul__(self, other: Union[float, torch.Tensor]) -> 'GeometricTensor': r""" Scalar product of this :class:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor` with a scalar. The operation is done inplace. The scalar can be a float number of a :class:`torch.Tensor` containing only one scalar (i.e. :func:`torch.numel` should return `1`). Args: other : a scalar Returns: the scalar product """ assert isinstance(other, float) or other.numel() == 1, 'Only multiplication with a scalar is allowed' return GeometricTensor(self.tensor * other, self.type)
__rmul__ = __mul__
[docs] def __imul__(self, other: Union[float, torch.Tensor]) -> 'GeometricTensor': r""" Scalar product of this :class:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor` with a scalar. The scalar can be a float number of a :class:`torch.Tensor` containing only one scalar (i.e. :func:`torch.numel` should return `1`). Args: other : a scalar Returns: the scalar product """ assert isinstance(other, float) or other.numel() == 1, 'Only multiplication with a scalar is allowed' self.tensor *= other return self
def __repr__(self): t = repr(self.tensor)[:-1] t = t.replace('\n', '\n ') r = 'g_' + t + ', ' + repr(self.type) + ')' return r
[docs]def tensor_directsum(tensors: List['GeometricTensor']) -> 'GeometricTensor': r""" Concatenate a list of :class:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor` s on the channels dimension (``dim=1``). The input tensors have to be compatible: they need to have the same shape except for the channels dimension (``dim=1``). In the resulting :class:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor`, the channels dimension will be associated with the direct sum representation of the representations of the input tensors. .. seealso:: :func:`` Args: tensors (list): a list of :class:`~e2cnn.nn.GeometricTensor` s Returns: the direct sum of the inputs """ # assert len(tensors) > 1 for i in range(1, len(tensors)): assert tensors[0].type.gspace == tensors[i].type.gspace assert tensors[0].tensor.ndimension() == tensors[i].tensor.ndimension() assert tensors[0].tensor.shape[0] == tensors[i].tensor.shape[0] assert tensors[0].tensor.shape[2:] == tensors[i].tensor.shape[2:] # concatenate all representations from all field types reprs = [] for t in tensors: reprs += t.type.representations # build the new field type cls = FieldType(tensors[0].type.gspace, reprs) # concatenate the underlying tensors data =[t.tensor for t in tensors], dim=1) # build the new Geometric Tensor return GeometricTensor(data, cls)