Source code for e2cnn.nn.modules.batchnormalization.gnorm

from collections import defaultdict

from e2cnn.gspaces import *
from e2cnn.nn import FieldType
from e2cnn.nn import GeometricTensor

from ..equivariant_module import EquivariantModule

import torch
from torch.nn import Parameter
from typing import List, Tuple, Any, Union
import numpy as np

__all__ = ["GNormBatchNorm"]

[docs]class GNormBatchNorm(EquivariantModule): def __init__(self, in_type: FieldType, eps: float = 1e-05, momentum: float = 0.1, affine: bool = True, ): r""" Batch normalization for generic representations. .. todo :: Add more details about how stats are computed and how affine transformation is done. Args: in_type (FieldType): the input field type eps (float, optional): a value added to the denominator for numerical stability. Default: ``1e-5`` momentum (float, optional): the value used for the ``running_mean`` and ``running_var`` computation. Can be set to ``None`` for cumulative moving average (i.e. simple average). Default: ``0.1`` affine (bool, optional): if ``True``, this module has learnable affine parameters. Default: ``True`` """ assert isinstance(in_type.gspace, GeneralOnR2) super(GNormBatchNorm, self).__init__() = in_type.gspace self.in_type = in_type self.out_type = in_type self.affine = affine self._nfields = None # group fields by their type and # - check if fields of the same type are contiguous # - retrieve the indices of the fields # number of fields of each type self._nfields = defaultdict(int) # indices of the channels corresponding to fields belonging to each group _indices = defaultdict(lambda: []) # whether each group of fields is contiguous or not self._contiguous = {} ntrivials = 0 position = 0 last_field = None for i, r in enumerate(self.in_type.representations): for irr in r.irreps: if self.in_type.fibergroup.irreps[irr].is_trivial(): ntrivials += 1 if != last_field: if not in self._contiguous: self._contiguous[] = True else: self._contiguous[] = False last_field = _indices[] += list(range(position, position + r.size)) self._nfields[] += 1 position += r.size for name, contiguous in self._contiguous.items(): if contiguous: # for contiguous fields, only the first and last indices are kept _indices[name] = [min(_indices[name]), max(_indices[name])+1] setattr(self, f"{name}_indices", _indices[name]) else: # otherwise, transform the list of indices into a tensor _indices[name] = torch.LongTensor(_indices[name]) # register the indices tensors as parameters of this module self.register_buffer(f"{name}_indices", _indices[name]) # store the size of each field type self._sizes = [] # store for each field type the indices of the trivial irreps in it self._trivial_idxs = {} # store for each field type the sizes and the indices of all its irreps, grouped by their size self._irreps_sizes = {} for r in self.in_type._unique_representations: p = 0 irreps = defaultdict(lambda: []) trivials = [] aggregator = torch.zeros(r.size, len(r.irreps)) for i, irr in enumerate(r.irreps): irr = self.in_type.fibergroup.irreps[irr] if irr.is_trivial(): trivials.append(p) aggregator[p:p+irr.size, i] = 1. / irr.size irreps[irr.size] += list(range(p, p+irr.size)) p += irr.size propagator = (aggregator > 0).clone().to(dtype=torch.float) name = self._trivial_idxs[name] = torch.tensor(trivials, dtype=torch.long) self._irreps_sizes[name] = [(s, idxs) for s, idxs in irreps.items()] self._sizes.append((name, r.size)) if not np.allclose(r.change_of_basis, np.eye(r.size)): self.register_buffer(f'{name}_change_of_basis', torch.tensor(r.change_of_basis, dtype=torch.float)) self.register_buffer(f'{name}_change_of_basis_inv', torch.tensor(r.change_of_basis_inv, dtype=torch.float)) self.register_buffer(f'vars_aggregator_{name}', aggregator) self.register_buffer(f'vars_propagator_{name}', propagator) running_var = torch.ones((self._nfields[], len(r.irreps)), dtype=torch.float) running_mean = torch.zeros((self._nfields[], len(trivials)), dtype=torch.float) self.register_buffer(f'{name}_running_var', running_var) self.register_buffer(f'{name}_running_mean', running_mean) if self.affine: weight = Parameter(torch.ones((self._nfields[], len(r.irreps))), requires_grad=True) bias = Parameter(torch.zeros((self._nfields[], len(trivials))), requires_grad=True) self.register_parameter(f'{name}_weight', weight) self.register_parameter(f'{name}_bias', bias) self.register_buffer('num_batches_tracked', torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.long)) self.eps = eps self.momentum = momentum def reset_running_stats(self): for name, size in self._sizes: running_var = getattr(self, f"{name}_running_var") running_mean = getattr(self, f"{name}_running_mean") running_var.fill_(1) running_mean.fill_(0) self.num_batches_tracked.zero_() def reset_parameters(self): self.reset_running_stats() if self.affine: for name, size in self._sizes: weight = getattr(self, f"{name}_weight") bias = getattr(self, f"{name}_bias")
[docs] def forward(self, input: GeometricTensor) -> GeometricTensor: r""" Apply norm non-linearities to the input feature map Args: input (GeometricTensor): the input feature map Returns: the resulting feature map """ assert input.type == self.in_type exponential_average_factor = 0.0 if self.num_batches_tracked += 1 if self.momentum is None: # use cumulative moving average exponential_average_factor = 1.0 / self.num_batches_tracked.item() else: # use exponential moving average exponential_average_factor = self.momentum input = input.tensor b, c, h, w = input.shape output = torch.empty_like(input) # iterate through all field types for name, size in self._sizes: indices = getattr(self, f"{name}_indices") if self._contiguous[name]: slice = input[:, indices[0]:indices[1], ...] else: slice = input[:, indices, ...] slice = slice.view(b, -1, size, h, w) if hasattr(self, f"{name}_change_of_basis_inv"): cob_inv = getattr(self, f"{name}_change_of_basis_inv") slice = torch.einsum("ds,bcsxy->bcdxy", (cob_inv, slice)) if # compute the mean and variance of the fields means, vars = self._compute_statistics(slice, name) running_var = getattr(self, f"{name}_running_var") running_mean = getattr(self, f"{name}_running_mean") running_var *= 1 - exponential_average_factor running_var += exponential_average_factor * vars running_mean *= 1 - exponential_average_factor running_mean += exponential_average_factor * means assert torch.allclose(running_mean, getattr(self, f"{name}_running_mean")) assert torch.allclose(running_var, getattr(self, f"{name}_running_var")) else: vars = getattr(self, f"{name}_running_var") means = getattr(self, f"{name}_running_mean") if self.affine: weight = getattr(self, f"{name}_weight") else: weight = 1. # compute the scalar multipliers needed scales = weight / (vars + self.eps).sqrt() # compute the point shifts # shifts = bias - self._scale(means, scales, name=name) centered = self._shift(slice, -1*means, name=name, out=None) normalized = self._scale(centered, scales, name=name, out=None) if self.affine: bias = getattr(self, f"{name}_bias") normalized = self._shift(normalized, bias, name=name, out=None) if hasattr(self, f"{name}_change_of_basis"): cob = getattr(self, f"{name}_change_of_basis") normalized = torch.einsum("ds,bcsxy->bcdxy", (cob, normalized)) if not self._contiguous[name]: output[:, indices, ...] = normalized.view(b, -1, h, w) else: output[:, indices[0]:indices[1], ...] = normalized.view(b, -1, h, w) # if self._contiguous[name]: # slice2 = output[:, indices[0]:indices[1], ...] # else: # slice2 = output[:, indices, ...] # assert torch.allclose(slice2.view(b, -1, size, h, w), slice), name # wrap the result in a GeometricTensor return GeometricTensor(output, self.out_type)
def evaluate_output_shape(self, input_shape: Tuple[int, int, int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: assert len(input_shape) == 4 assert input_shape[1] == self.in_type.size b, c, hi, wi = input_shape return b, self.out_type.size, hi, wi def check_equivariance(self, atol: float = 1e-6, rtol: float = 1e-5) -> List[Tuple[Any, float]]: # return super(NormBatchNorm, self).check_equivariance(atol=atol, rtol=rtol) pass def _compute_statistics(self, t: torch.Tensor, name: str): trivial_idxs = self._trivial_idxs[name] vars_aggregator = getattr(self, f"vars_aggregator_{name}") b, c, s, x, y = t.shape l = trivial_idxs.numel() # number of samples in the tensor used to estimate the statistics N = b * x * y # compute the mean of the trivial fields trivial_means = t[:, :, trivial_idxs, ...].view(b, c, l, x, y).sum(dim=(0, 3, 4), keepdim=False).detach() / N # compute the mean of squares of all channels vars = (t ** 2).view(b, c, s, x, y).sum(dim=(0, 3, 4), keepdim=False).detach() / N # For the non-trivial fields the mean of the fields is 0, so we can compute the variance as the mean of the # norms squared. # For trivial channels, we need to subtract the squared mean vars[:, trivial_idxs] -= trivial_means**2 # aggregate the squared means of the channels which belong to the same irrep vars = torch.einsum("io,ci->co", (vars_aggregator, vars)) # Correct the estimation of the variance with Bessel's correction correction = N/(N-1) if N > 1 else 1. vars *= correction return trivial_means, vars def _scale(self, t: torch.Tensor, scales: torch.Tensor, name: str, out: torch.Tensor = None): if out is None: out = torch.empty_like(t) vars_aggregator = getattr(self, f"vars_propagator_{name}") ndims = len(t.shape[3:]) scale_shape = (1, scales.shape[0], vars_aggregator.shape[0]) + (1,)*ndims # scale all fields out[...] = t * torch.einsum("oi,ci->co", (vars_aggregator, scales)).reshape(scale_shape) return out def _shift(self, t: torch.Tensor, trivial_bias: torch.Tensor, name: str, out: torch.Tensor = None): if out is None: out = t.clone() else: out[:] = t trivial_idxs = self._trivial_idxs[name] bias_shape = (1,) + trivial_bias.shape + (1,)*(len(t.shape) - 3) # add bias to the trivial fields out[:, :, trivial_idxs, ...] += trivial_bias.view(bias_shape) return out