Source code for e2cnn.nn.modules.r2_conv.basisexpansion_singleblock

from e2cnn.kernels import Basis, EmptyBasisException
from .basisexpansion import BasisExpansion

from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Iterable, Union

import torch
import numpy as np

__all__ = ["SingleBlockBasisExpansion", "block_basisexpansion"]

[docs]class SingleBlockBasisExpansion(BasisExpansion): def __init__(self, basis: Basis, points: np.ndarray, basis_filter: Callable[[dict], bool] = None, ): r""" Basis expansion method for a single contiguous block, i.e. for kernels/PDOs whose input type and output type contain only fields of one type. This class should be instantiated through the factory method :func:`~e2cnn.nn.modules.r2_conv.block_basisexpansion` to enable caching. Args: basis (Basis): analytical basis to sample points (ndarray): points where the analytical basis should be sampled basis_filter (callable, optional): filter for the basis elements. Should take a dictionary containing an element's attributes and return whether to keep it or not. """ super(SingleBlockBasisExpansion, self).__init__() self.basis = basis # compute the mask of the sampled basis containing only the elements allowed by the filter mask = np.zeros(len(basis), dtype=bool) for b, attr in enumerate(basis): mask[b] = basis_filter(attr) if not any(mask): raise EmptyBasisException attributes = [attr for b, attr in enumerate(basis) if mask[b]] # we need to know the real output size of the basis elements (i.e. without the change of basis and the padding) # to perform the normalization sizes = [] for attr in attributes: sizes.append(attr["shape"][0]) # sample the basis on the grid # and filter out the basis elements discarded by the filter sampled_basis = torch.Tensor(basis.sample_masked(points, mask=mask)).permute(2, 0, 1, 3) # DEPRECATED FROM PyTorch 1.2 # PyTorch 1.2 suggests using BoolTensor instead of ByteTensor for boolean indexing # but BoolTensor have been introduced only in PyTorch 1.2 # Hence, for the moment we use ByteTensor mask = mask.astype(np.uint8) mask = torch.tensor(mask) # normalize the basis sizes = torch.tensor(sizes, dtype=sampled_basis.dtype) assert sizes.shape[0] ==, sizes.shape assert sizes.shape[0] == sampled_basis.shape[0], (sizes.shape, sampled_basis.shape) sampled_basis = normalize_basis(sampled_basis, sizes) # discard the basis which are close to zero everywhere norms = (sampled_basis ** 2).reshape(sampled_basis.shape[0], -1).sum(1) > 1e-2 if not any(norms): raise EmptyBasisException sampled_basis = sampled_basis[norms, ...] full_mask = torch.zeros_like(mask) full_mask[mask] = self._mask = full_mask self.attributes = [attr for b, attr in enumerate(attributes) if norms[b]] # register the bases tensors as parameters of this module self.register_buffer('sampled_basis', sampled_basis) self._idx_to_ids = [] self._ids_to_idx = {} for idx, attr in enumerate(self.attributes): if "radius" in attr: radial_info = attr["radius"] elif "order" in attr: radial_info = attr["order"] else: raise ValueError("No radial information found.") id = '({}-{},{}-{})_({}/{})_{}'.format( attr["in_irrep"], attr["in_irrep_idx"], # name and index within the field of the input irrep attr["out_irrep"], attr["out_irrep_idx"], # name and index within the field of the output irrep radial_info, attr["frequency"], # frequency of the basis element # int(np.abs(attr["frequency"])), # absolute frequency of the basis element attr["inner_idx"], # index of the basis element within the basis of radially independent kernels between the irreps ) attr["id"] = id self._ids_to_idx[id] = idx self._idx_to_ids.append(id) def forward(self, weights: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: assert len(weights.shape) == 2 and weights.shape[1] == self.dimension() # expand the current subset of basis vectors and set the result in the appropriate place in the filter return torch.einsum('boi...,kb->koi...', self.sampled_basis, weights) #.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() def get_basis_names(self) -> List[str]: return self._idx_to_ids def get_element_info(self, name: Union[str, int]) -> Dict: if isinstance(name, str): name = self._ids_to_idx[name] return self.attributes[name] def get_basis_info(self) -> Iterable: return iter(self.attributes) def dimension(self) -> int: return self.sampled_basis.shape[0] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SingleBlockBasisExpansion): return ( self.basis == other.basis and torch.allclose(self.sampled_basis, other.sampled_basis) and (self._mask == other._mask).all() ) else: return False def __hash__(self): return 10000 * hash(self.basis) + 100 * hash(self.sampled_basis) + hash(self._mask)
# dictionary storing references to already built basis tensors # when a new filter tensor is built, it is also stored here # when the same basis is built again (eg. in another layer), the already existing filter tensor is retrieved _stored_filters = {}
[docs]def block_basisexpansion(basis: Basis, points: np.ndarray, basis_filter: Callable[[dict], bool] = None, recompute: bool = False ) -> SingleBlockBasisExpansion: r""" Return an instance of :class:`~e2cnn.nn.modules.r2_conv.SingleBlockBasisExpansion`. This function support caching through the argument ``recompute``. Args: basis (Basis): basis defining the space of kernels points (~np.ndarray): points where the analytical basis should be sampled basis_filter (callable, optional): filter for the basis elements. Should take a dictionary containing an element's attributes and return whether to keep it or not. recompute (bool, optional): whether to recompute new bases (``True``) or reuse, if possible, already built tensors (``False``, default). """ if not recompute: # compute the mask of the sampled basis containing only the elements allowed by the filter mask = np.zeros(len(basis), dtype=bool) for b, attr in enumerate(basis): mask[b] = basis_filter(attr) key = (basis, mask.tobytes(), points.tobytes()) if key not in _stored_filters: _stored_filters[key] = SingleBlockBasisExpansion(basis, points, basis_filter) return _stored_filters[key] else: return SingleBlockBasisExpansion(basis, points, basis_filter)
def normalize_basis(basis: torch.Tensor, sizes: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Normalize the filters in the input tensor. The tensor of shape :math:`(B, O, I, ...)` is interpreted as a basis containing ``B`` filters/elements, each with ``I`` inputs and ``O`` outputs. The spatial dimensions ``...`` can be anything. .. notice :: Notice that the method changes the input tensor inplace Args: basis (torch.Tensor): tensor containing the basis to normalize sizes (torch.Tensor): original input size of the basis elements, without the padding and the change of basis Returns: the normalized basis (the operation is done inplace, so this is ust a reference to the input tensor) """ b = basis.shape[0] assert len(basis.shape) > 2 assert sizes.shape == (b,) # compute the norm of each basis vector norms = torch.einsum('bop...,bpq...->boq...', (basis, basis.transpose(1, 2))) # Removing the change of basis, these matrices should be multiples of the identity # where the scalar on the diagonal is the variance # in order to find this variance, we can compute the trace (which is invariant to the change of basis) # and divide by the number of elements in the diagonal ignoring the padding. # Therefore, we need to know the original size of each basis element. norms = torch.einsum("bii...->b", norms) # norms = norms.reshape(b, -1).sum(1) norms /= sizes norms[norms < 1e-15] = 0 norms = torch.sqrt(norms) norms[norms < 1e-6] = 1 norms[norms != norms] = 1 norms = norms.view(b, *([1] * (len(basis.shape) - 1))) # divide by the norm basis /= norms return basis